Digital Weapon Style Pack - Pictures

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by iLLusion, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    These will be available in the Marketplaces on US PS3 later today and on EU PS3 tomorrow, when the PSN updates.

    They are available on PC and on PS3 Loyalty Vendors now.
  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

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  3. Nitemare Kosmos New Player

    Thx mepps i couldn't see them at 1st. So its settled i'm getting my sorcery weapon pack and the eastern theme today . I have a lot of eastern styles base items on one of my toons.
  4. DCFanatical Dedicated Player

    I have to say, I like both the weapns packs. True Sorcery seems to be similar to fire/electric weapons packs, but there is one difference that it like.

    The handblasters (my preferred weapon choice) seems to be wrapped around your hands so you don't get the clipped hands look that the fire/electric/etc has that makes you look like you have stubs for arms.
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  5. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    ooo me want
    you don't have to be gadgets to use these do you?
  6. Kroye Loyal Player

    nice! thanks for sharing
  7. Cadens Dedicated Player

    Best looking weapon styles in the game.
  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    No, anyone can use them. :)
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  9. Soulburn32 Loyal Player


    ^ DCUO Sales Rep for Micro Transations
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  10. ARI ATARI New Player

    wish the dual wields looked like a double version of the 1 hander. they look cheesy
  11. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    ya the DW style is the worst of the set

    when will they learn we dont want short and stubby DW styles
  12. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    hmmm, i actually thought the opposite.
    DW seem nice to me, but 1 hand was forgetable.

    overall thought they are very nice and definitely a good addition.
  13. Little Sister New Player

    I wish the Mental ones looked this good!
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  14. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    if they were slimmer and didnt have a huge handle and blade guard i would like them but when the handle is like the size of the blade it just looks bad to me
  15. WraithShadow13 Active Player

    I hate this because I really love the way some of the styles look, like this and arcane, but with out being able to swap colors i won't be buying them since it would be all mismatched (e.i. arcane would look awesome for lantern use)
  16. raaddd Well-Known Player

    These and the sorc pack look awesome! But i wish they would update the Fire style pack. They look like doodoo! :mad:
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  17. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    yeah, thats why i asked if any class could use them... it actually sorta works with the backstory ive made for my mental toon to be using gadgets weapons anyway, so i'd be good.
  18. Femto Well-Known Player

    seriously , i bought the fire and cerebral and what did i get for duel wields ----- axes grrrrrrrr
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  19. Faust74 Loyal Player

    Coolest weapon pack out the bunch. But, still not interested. :)
  20. BrotherMutant New Player

    Brawling and HBs look ****!