Didn't Receive "Welcome Back!" Legendary Benefits

Discussion in 'PC Account Support' started by blazeing fire111, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Ok the SOe.com says im legendary but when i log into the game it still says im premium. What should i do?
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  2. Itazuki New Player

    I've got this same issue. Exactly the same. :p
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  3. xhalur Well-Known Player


    As a member who took a long break from the game and recently semi-returned to DCUO, I was intrigued with the current promotion being offered that is awarding a free month of Legendary membership to any current Premium membership accounts that have been previously Legendary at some point during this game's duration (LINK).

    However, as one of these people that have formerly been Legendary off and on in the past and now currently Premium, I noticed after logging-in to the game today that I was still listed as Premium, which seems in direct contrast to this promotional offer.

    While I never used any billing information (I refuse to use my Credit/Debit card for any online purchases due to paranoia of fraud/identity theft; justifiable since SOE was already hacked once before...), I have reliably used store-bought $15.00 SOE game cards in the U.S. in the past to purchase a Legendary membership or 500 Station Cash whenever I felt it was wanted.

    Now though, since the promotion specifically mentions "...paid for at least one billing cycle between January 15, 2011 and December 10, 2013...", am I exempt from this promotion due to my own previous and personal payment preference? If so, do my past contributions to this game (as a former Legendary member and purchaser of DLC, SC, etc.) mean nothing in the eyes of SOE, DCUO, and this very promotion due to using $15.00 SOE game cards to purchase Legendary instead of a Credit/Debit card?

    I feel like there is kind of something wrong here. If Mepps or anyone from TSR could get back to me and/or provide any information that I might have missed, I would greatly appreciate it.

    Thank you for your time.

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  4. Itazuki New Player

    Check your membership status on the official game page. Others are also having this issue... The Membership status shows as Legendary but we are showing as Premium in-game and only have Premium benefits.
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  5. xhalur Well-Known Player

    According to the main DCUO website, I am in fact listed as a Legendary member as of now, and I also confirmed Legendary status by seeing if I was capable of posting in the Testing Feedback section of the DCUO Forums...

    However, I am still not receiving Legendary access/benefits in-game though.

    This definitely needs looking into now. Not just for me, but for everyone having this issue.
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  6. Itazuki New Player

    Yup, all of that is the same for me. Weird that no one is saying anything about it.
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  7. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Same for me also.
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  8. Dibs New Player

    It doesnt even say i have legendary a legendary but i was until the 12th of this month HELP!
  9. Lakhesis Active Player

    Same here, I'm marked as legendary on the Official site, but I'm still premium ingame.
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  10. SweetVengeance New Player

    Just adding that I, also, am listed as Legendary but only receiving Premium benefits.
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  11. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Please contact support if you are experiencing this. We are investigating. http://help.soe.com
  12. William Martin New Player

    still doing it im still premium in game although station says im legendary :(
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  13. Atomic Spiritus New Player

    This happening to anyone else like the free month of legendary not regestering even though when you log into your soe account it says you are legendary but log into thte game and it still says your premium?
  14. William Martin New Player

    yeah fixed for me :)
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  15. Itazuki New Player

    Thanks for getting this looked at. I relogged after seeing William's post and it shows Legendary status now.
  16. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Happening to alot ofu s. fill in a support ticket although it might take awhile for them to respond. (still waiting on a response)
  17. xhalur Well-Known Player

    Glad to see that some people have this resolved.

    Mine is still saying Premium in-game though...

    EDIT: This, on top of sending in a Support Ticket almost two hours ago with no replies from CS on the SOE website...

  18. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We believe this should be fixed, if you were able to see yourself as Legendary on the website but not in-game. If you still do not have Legendary (in either place) and think you should, please contact support. http://help.soe.com
  19. xhalur Well-Known Player

    Don't be too sure of that, unfortunately...
    ^ In addition to that, I can supply my Ticket/Incidence Reference number if need be, but this is absolutely NOT fixed. No offense.
  20. xhalur Well-Known Player

    Correction, I just logged in again now and it is correctly listing my new status as Legendary.

    My most sincere and humble apologies for the above/previous post.