Didnt get credit for reset

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Pr0tojay, Jun 29, 2016.

  1. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    I reset the new alert, spent 29 badges and didnt get loot from the first boss because it said i was still loot locked. Anyone else have that happen today? Am i screwed outta this or can i be reimbursed?
  2. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Probably need to submit a ticket
  3. Defcon 0ne Well-Known Player

    It would only be right if they reimburse or compensate you for it.
  4. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Ive never had to submit a ticket before so i dont know how to do it. I dont feel like going through the process for 29 badges. Its just stupid they cant have their game working properly.
  5. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Did it only happen at the first boss? Or were you locked still for the rest of them too?
  6. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Are you sure you reset the right alert. Sometimes people have the wrong alert highlighted when the reset. That's why i always wait until i am in instance first before a reset.
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