Did we get a new style dev yet?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by EvilDeeds, Jun 7, 2021.

  1. The Multiverse New Player

    Wow! Thank you for responding!!!

    Well since your listening lol I personally like the slimline styles and would love to see ones with enlarged emblem slots. And would love to see more unique emblems that are not necessarily linked to a pre existing hero. I miss the styles from early in the game that was unique. There's a large section of DC gamers that love to make there own heroes and not copy iconic ones.

    Also I have heard a lot of gamers talk about wanting Monstrous styles or animal like styles, like the Shark head you mentioned or fur body and leg styles and tails. Not my cup of tea but like I said I hear it all the time.

    New emotes? You could link them to trinkets if programming them in would be to time consuming.

    Also when you guys gave out the Batwing transformation trinket that really opened my eyes to the possibility of adding vehicles. If the batwing was just a little bigger it could be like a single seater airplane. Maybe restrict the trinkets to open world if they are to big to use in Watchtower or Ques.

    Thank you for listening to us and I cant wait for a red white and blue chroma!! Not all Materials need to glow or be metal :) some of us like to use them to overcome the 4 color restriction.

    Again thank you.
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  2. DarkAvenger Well-Known Player

    Speaking of heads what about that grey alien head that was promised on the list Meg left please make it look like this
  3. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Thanks for taking the time to reply as always. :)
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  4. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Is the timeline for the Blue Beetle style still in track?
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  5. Charon Lead Content Designer

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  6. DarkAvenger Well-Known Player

    What about the grey alien head it gets a lot of love please I don’t mean to pester you but please make it look like this
  7. Lara Committed Player

    Who care about Styles like jeez fix this game finaly is more important styles lol