Devs where is STU and why do you ignore us when we ask about it?!?!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Quantile, Nov 1, 2024.

  1. Quantile Well-Known Player

    Why do you constantly ignore the community when we ask about Save the Universe??
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  2. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    They ignore us because we're a very rude community. If it's not style related or base item or fashion related don't bother asking. they refuse to be yelled at when it comes to PVE or PVP related subjects the development team are people too with feelings. If you want PVE or even PVP go play something else. If you want to look like a Barbie doll and dress your base up like one too DC Universe is the game to be
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  3. sebfm Well-Known Player


    Long story short, there was a change in DCUO creative team. Now there is a new team of creatives, devs, comm. They are working hard on bringing new content while correcting many bugs that were here prior their arrival. I personally think they are doing a good job. Some events, like STU or Survival Mode weren't thought in a way they would fit correctly ingame (STU was part of HoL episode from the start then became an event while Omnibus became the weekly content). Rethinking the event in a way which will better suit the game and add more coherence with other content would be nice, and I have huge expectations with the new team (just look at the newly added Superman anniversary, Batman anniversary, WW Anniversary, Year of Dragon contents).

    We, as users should provide a little support to a team who, despite its young age as a team, has already brought many stuff ingame and corrected many bugs on old content (thank god, Future Crusader cape now behave correctly with martial arts and acrobatics, hope cape behaviour will be corrected for speedsters).

    Let's give them some time and recognize when they are doing their best. It's the less we can do. Off course, as customers, we will always want more, that's the point of any MMORPG in a persistant world. Off course, with the previous team leaving a lot of mess, we accumulated frustration, but yet, let's be honest, new team is working hard and taking few mins looking around the game provides a lot of hope for DCUO future :)
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  4. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Did you just prove what BUDOKAI101 just said?
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  5. BƖack Dedicated Player

    It's very surprising that I wasn't banned after my vulgar topic. However, it seems that they care about having someone to milk from. But it won't be me, you won't even get a penny from me anymore.

    Regarding to this thread, Why do you continue and ask questions or even post anything on this forum if you see that you are ignored? Makes no sense.
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  6. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I mean some players kinda get upset depending on if we get the official Superman, Batman or Wonder Woman emblems. Which is interesting in that there is absolutely zero gameplay content or value if we have those emblems or not. So yeah?
  7. Multiverse Creator League

    We will not get StU....... but we will get some new Event.....

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  8. Wiccan028 Well-Known Player

    Which also kind of sucks when the event you are waiting for gives you outfit pieces you wanted to have and the only way to get it is STU.
  9. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    I know how you feel. I've been patiently waiting for the enhanced future warden style to complete my suit I've been working on for almost 2 years to return. I was told for years it would either be added to Dr.fate, Booster Gold or the marketplace since I missed out on it January 2022 daily login rewards.
  10. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Episode 49 is early January there is alot of time for save the universe still. We still have a development update which they wanted to start doing every month now. So we have that to look forward to this week
  11. Wiccan028 Well-Known Player

    January should also be the anniversary event.
  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I honestly think some things they just lose their taste for. Either because they want to try and work on something else, they are TOLD to work on something else, or because when they come out with something and we yell at them for it, they just figure 'well....let's not do that again'.

    That's why we are going to start seeing these low effort, limited time 'events' and back to back seasonals. Let's face it, it doesn't take a lot of effort to pick a few 'theme' runs, tack some marks on them, then have 1 (or 2) items to get, to keep us running around and feeling busy. WAY easier than designing 20 levels of escalating mechanics for SM (that someone will beat on day 1 and cry 'too easy'), or up scaling a few pieces of old content, accompanied by a full style set and OP item, for STU.

    My only complaint is that they laid out 1000 count feats under the promise of a re-occuring (supposedly every year) event. Similar to those 750 and 1000 count feats in LPVE, that they quit making maps and legends for, making those counts a drudgery. I guess we'll get a STU 10x week in the future maybe?
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  13. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    I think there's a lot in the pipeline people are just not ready for next-gen update prepared the game for a new systems to be added systems they've been working on for years. I think everyone's going to enjoy the new gear system when it relaunches. simply because it will bring back every episode and not just end game. which is something that absolutely needs a relaunch. It would also be nice to see The Return of PVP which I think can be corrected with the gear relaunch. Without a doubt I know for sure we're getting all the leveling systems relaunched Next Gen update allows them to do that. Artifacts will be the first to see a relaunch it makes no sense to have three slots and be able to swap 8 artifacts in and out. Just give us 20 slots then if swapping is intended and not an exploit wouldn't you agree. or is it because they're not clamped that must be the reason lol
  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'm not sure what you are smoking...but it must be good.:rolleyes:

    There is no 'return of PvP' coming. And what 'gear relaunch'? Where are you getting this info besides your imagination? And none of this has anything to do with STU or these new style 'events' that they seem to be pushing.

    While they might do some sort of revamp on artifacts, I doubt we'll see 8, much less 20, slots. Artifacts are already detrimental to the balance of the game, with swapping upsetting what little balance there is. Doubling or sextupling how many artifacts are in use at any time would completely take things off the rails. Good luck designing a run that will be doable by someone with 3 120 arts AND be a challenge for someone with 8 200s at the same time.
  15. Multiverse Creator League

    Early Jamuary????

    Where did you get that info???o_Oo_O
  16. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    The gear system in DC Universe Online is not considered to be true RPG it falls under an indie arcade RPG. DC Universe Online has been an arcade RPG for far too long. The gear system needs to evolve and what better time than to do it now with the Next Gen update. There's no way in hell they have not thought about evolving the gear system or relaunching it completely it has to be in the pipeline indefinitely. The gear system is part of a leveling system which the new lead hand announced all leveling systems were being relaunched it's not a part of my imagination. The relaunch of artifacts are more than likely going to be clamped 70% each and fall under stats revamp clamp anyone wearing the same Arts as each other will have a debuff 12% each
  17. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    It's likely not smoking anything.
    It's mostly carbon dioxide. Some ppl never go out much to get fresh air to put fresh life in the brain.
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  18. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Don't be surprised I have info nobody has haha it was in the developer notes only release date we don't know is episode 50. And I'm just kidding I don't know anything I just assume everything. I'm also assuming which was definitely said to be happening that once episode 49 is done episodes will be released much faster and so will events new ones like the one coming out on tuesday. My other assumption is relaunches are in the works of the leveling systems which is planned before or after episode 50. Correction I can't say planned that's just my opinion. My assumptions and opinions could be bang on considering they pretty much have thrown the biggest sign that episodes were coming quicker in the marketplace currency!!
  19. Multiverse Creator League

    The Producer's Notes did say Q1 2025.

    Yes.... it could be January.....
    but since we do have the Anniversary Event.....
    pretty safe to say it will not be January.

    Maybe February???
    Although Most likely it will be in March....
    maybe even end of March???

    Assuming that it does not get delayed to Q2 2025 for some reason.

    We will have to wait and see. :)
  20. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    You're missing the point there's a reason why they put currency in the marketplace they want to make sure that people are about to have a hard time keeping up with events and episodes. Why can't the anniversary event come out with a new episode I'm pretty sure a lot of people are crying for a lot more content. Take a look at lfg everyone's got too much time to talk not enough time to PVE cuz there's nothing to PVE with