Devs? When will you stop doing stuff like this?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TechWarrior0329, May 2, 2020.

  1. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Would hate to see some people's posts if they played back when separate factions actually mattered. Heroes and Villains are supposed to be fighting each other, not working together like this game has done for the last however many years now. Might as well just drop the Villain faction altogether since they never actually get to be Villains anymore anyways. And the one small time Heroes and Villains can actually affect each other, in a mission worth 1 single mark, people are complaining.
  2. Zamara Dedicated Player

    If you think about it this mission in particular doesn't make sense to be shared like most of the recent episodes' open world missions, if you look back to previous content no matter what faction you would be playing in, we had the same objectives and practically the same mission and villains contributing towards the hero's missions or viceversa made sense cause both were working towards the same goal.
    Or in the other hand we couldn't interact with the opposite faction's objectives because they were either in separate areas or the villains objectives would be friendly for us and viceversa, sort of like what we have with the vans in this dlc, each side has different spawn points for the vans, heroes stop the vans from being stolen by defeating the thieves and villains go beat up the guards and steal from the vans, there's not really much one can do against the other side in those cases.
    But the weapon drops are the same for both sides, the rioters are hostile towards both factions, while you play as a hero your objective is to stop the civilians from stealing the weapons and then confiscate them but as a villain your objective is to stop them so you can get the loot for yourself (and catwoman apparently?).
    So lets say you're playing as a villain and you trigger the drop, you get 2 out of 3 cans cause the hero got 1, you have 2 weapons while they only got 1, it wouldn't make sense if you stealing them contributed to their confiscated weapons count same way as it wouldn't make sense for theirs to count towards your stolen ones cause them confiscating it prevents you from stealing it and you stealing them means they didn't get to confiscate it. Or maybe i'm thinking too much...
    It's like what happens during some seasonals, you completing your objectives prevents the other faction from completing theirs cause they're opposites.
    Only brought it up cause i thought i saw it was fixed in one of the patch notes, but it seems like it wasn't. Maybe my reasoning is right and that's why it hasn't been changed cause it's working as intended....
  3. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i discovered the best thing to do is just fly off to find another spawn point as soon as someone of the opposing faction tries stealing your credit. as your flying off and they'e turning barrel cogs the ads will interfere with them. you may not be getting credit for that little bit...but they arent getting a free ride either...

    its more frustrating that those barrels work as the most powerful shields in the game. as strong as stair rails.