I know theres been some shake ups for the team & this dlc concept might be from before the old left & new people joined..Look i dont want to knock anybody’s hard work & effort but what the heck is going on over there.. It just feels like the devs are completely out of touch with what the players want, and im not trying to speak for anybody, hop on youtube and check the comment section.. people are speaking loud and clear.. im trying to be productive, but what do players have to say to get the devs to make a game that brings fan service rather then the random oddness thrown together in these board rooms. These past stories have not been anything to bring the players in, i know braniac has been a safe bet for the past 10+ years.. but even the games og big bad has over stayed his welcome, now we get this harley quin dlc… im sure theres HQ fans, no im not saying that because I dont like the dlc that nobody will like it… but again, i point you in the direction of any comment section. The fans are not happy with the game’s direction. It just feels like the quality has gotten so bad to the point that even with the time capsules you dont want us to spend money… there is tons of style threads on this forums, please please please stop trying to do your own thing and listen to the community The rule is that we have to be constructive, the most constructive thing that I can say is that the devs need to keep their eye on the comment sections, on the in game chats & on the active player count… I am not posting this trying to stir a pot, i dont want to be annoying and sound like the sky is falling.. Nope, everyone saw that EG7 report.. we all know that the sky is falling, I want the devs to go out fighting giving the dcuo community fan service before the lights go out, not whatever this has been.
I think they tend to bundle things with episodes of media going out so there’s the Harley Quinn and Kiteman animated series, Joker 2 featuring HQ, I think there was a recent Suicide Squad animated movie in addition to their Crisis movies etc so she may have been an easy sell to the licensers WB to make an DLC of. It’s harder to get permissions to do stories and characters if you either they are too obscure or unpopular or if they’re being used in a certain way currently. Hence why maybe Harley was available. This episode was probably in development with the old dev team so we can’t solely blame new devs either. But judging from the test videos I’ve seen both the story or should I say the lack of it isn’t very interesting. Also while Harley might be a popular character I’m finding doubt most players want to play her Apokolips. They’d probably want a Joker adventure or even a BoP one than whatever this Darkseid thing is. So yeah disappointed for sure.
No one cares mate. Customer Support / Developers / Daybreak generally dont give a sh*t what DCUO community want and need. They proved this multiple times, reading all posts from all categories in forums everyone says their problems that grown up years now and for those goldiggers are to much to fix the game's tons of bugs. They pay attention only to whatever gives money and they let every bug exist instead of fixing it and that says a lot. So back to the point from all posts you can find from last 2 years there is no post that developer answered at least ONCE and they wont. The only post that I saw a dev commenting was about someone who wasnt able to launch the game at all and he said "open a ticket to support team" and he got answered from the post author that he already did and they never answered or helped with this problem and thats all, they dont even tried to help this dude. At this point cancel your membership as i did and find something else to play or play for free cause all your money will go to EverQuest and whatever you spend you will never get any support or anything better at all
Bringing Brainiac back was a bad idea. Even years ago when they announced we were about to rematch Brainiac it was met with a big thud. A first year ad student would know to stay away from it. I like the idea of "Harley Quinn vs. Apokalypse" but having fought them all so many times now it feels very "been there, done that". If we're going to revisit Apokalypse it would have been nice to bring in some characters we haven't seen yet. A couple of the Forever people or the Junior Furies would have worked here (Gilotina, Beautiful Dreamer, Malice and Chessure, Big Bear...). If were going to revisit old game assets something new should always be added. If we go Back to central City give us a Flash villain we haven't seen yet. Same for batman. Same for the Titans etc etc etc.
Isn't that any comment section on any page in any corner of the internet??? When people are happy with a product they tend to just spend time using the product. Occasionally once in a blue moon they'll take five seconds to look it up again to click the 5th star. But when people are not happy with a product they instead spend that time b****ing, whining and complaining in comment sections on the internet. I've seen products with a 4.6-4.9 star rating with nothing but vitriolic contempt for the product being spewed out in the comments. Seriously, if you spend some time reading random internet comment sections, you'll come away convinced that everybody hates everything all the time.