Dev's server stability is terrible this weekend

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Abel DCUO, Jun 12, 2016.

  1. Aren Sul Committed Player

    So the server goes up for a few minutes and then kaput. Then it needs to restart. Why do I have the feeling that the restart is being handled by something like this...

  2. bagofboom Committed Player

    Uh, yeah. Geez, do you even have to ask?
    Those gold pieces are nuthin' but trouble man.
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  3. Morcra Committed Player

    "says Im gonna fix this 20000 times without saying how"
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  4. Beefiest Cakes Committed Player

    It's never DCUO servers at all guys.
  5. Multiverse Creator League

    Yeah.... sadly daily DC have been an issue for a while.

    At least once a day..... sometimes as much as 3 times a day. Could be more then 3 times.... but after 3 times.... I take the hint and take a break and do something else. ;)
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  6. Multiverse Creator League

    You may want to read the following post. ;)

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  7. Malachee Committed Player

    FACTS are such stubborn things. :cool:
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  8. Multiverse Creator League

    Once more...... just DC. :eek: