Dev's server stability is terrible this weekend

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Abel DCUO, Jun 12, 2016.

  1. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I'm sorry, but I don't get DCed often, and my connection is far from flawless. Your statement is false, and no, that doesn't mean calling you a liar.

    SOME people get DCed more than once, but it's not the majority of players, not everyone, and might not be 100% the server's fault.
  2. Morcra Committed Player

    didnt rly call him a liar. just said the statement was false based on what i have seen. I havent disconnected in a long time(until today). I will agree that i did jump the shark on my assumption. Considering the amount of arguments and whatnot i get into on a daily basis on the internet nowadays im gonna back out from this.

    So calm your **** hombre.
  3. tehDarkNite Well-Known Player

    hope they just need restarts or something - if its ddos nothin they can do cept wait it out
  4. Exodusblack Well-Known Player

    I have DC'd only twice in the last three months. Some people's internet just sucks and they never admit it. What's going on at the moment, I have no idea. When DCUO is down everyone wants an internet argument. :) Their heads are always shaking as well.
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  5. Solarverse Committed Player

    Complain Department: Please refer your disconnect complaints below.

  6. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Guess my internet was goid enough up until server merge. Compared to other games, dc is down a lot, not counting the 1 hr downtime every morning. I bet if you searched through the forums from January to now, you will see multiple threads about server stability, like i told the player before you, research before posting
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  7. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I do the vault everytime I get on - Only get crappy stuff, stable servers

    I do the vault this sunday for fun - I got a golden icon level 78 neckpiece that rose my CR, server crashes.

    Was it my fault?
  8. light FX Steadfast Player

    Many people are dcing 2-3 times a day at least. My entire league has this happen. When u have someone on friends and it shows them log out 3,4 times at once that means they got dcd. Since the start of april, gu59, this has been an ongoing problem. Just because some dont experience it doesnt mean many others arent. I have been watching my friends list and hearing league mates over ts and i see it happen to about 40 different people every single day. And that is just the people i know. To say its a false statement is just wrong. Also many other people on these forums have started threads and posted about it happening. Just because it doesnt happen to u and the group of people u play with again doesnt mean its not happening to others. I highly doubt its all these people internet connection. In fact ive spoken to league mates who are all across the world with different internet providers and it happens to us all. I play other games and what happens on dcuo doesnt happen in those other games. Yea there is an occasional dc. But not 2-3 times a day every single day for months.
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  9. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I'm not saying that this doesn't happen to everyone, I'm saying that if we have some people getting it and some people not getting it, then it's not server related, specially if you and your friends are based on the same country of the server and I'm hailing from South America and playing without those problems.

    If it was the server I would be supposed to be DCed as often or even more than you all.
  10. Exodusblack Well-Known Player

    I don't need to research anything, I play and have very few problems. If other games perform so much better you should play them.
  11. Eddevil Well-Known Player

    I crash daily...3-10 times during my 5-8 hour session. Never complained.
    But this server down issue, long maintenance every few days is just getting on my nerve. No other mmo does that. :mad:
  12. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    Server Issues
    Us world down??
    world went down with out warning
    Loading Screens and Disconnecting
    Server Downtime - April 9, 2016
    Server Downtime - April 10, 2016
    Server Downtime - April 10, 2016
    Server Downtime - April 12, 2016 - Status Update
    Server Downtime - April 17, 2016
    Disconnection Issues PS4
    Zone Not Available
    Lag/Latency issues
    "You must launch the game from the launchpad"
    • Like x 1
  13. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    When i made the post, i wasn't talking to you, since you never dc you coukd have scrolled right past my post, but you didn't and now you're upset for something that don't effect you lol
    • Like x 2
  14. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    And they wonder why player walk away from the game.

    Maybe because they cannot play at their leisure due to no access to the game.
  15. brokejaw1 Active Player

  16. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I dc daily and my internet is perfectly fine and my ps4 is hard wired, not wireless like most players.
    • Like x 2
  17. Exodusblack Well-Known Player

    I'm not upset in the least, thank you for your concern.
  18. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Can you precise or estimate if all the DCs are around the same time of the day?
  19. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Nope, just random.
  20. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Then it's necessarily either a server gurgle or internet connection gurgle. Given your certainty I will guess that you never had those DCs from any other games that require continued connection like DCUO, unless you didn't test them yet, but still.