Devs, Serious Issue/Suggestion Regarding Exobit Node Obsoletion & Feats

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ACEMcFly101, Jun 5, 2016.

  1. Pop a Trinket dey sweatin Dedicated Player

    I know, right?

    I say that since our grands and/or great grands went through the the Great Depression we should live like they lived at that time too. The hell with progress. They ate a kernel of corn a day!!! And here we are talking about gathering feats on DCUO. Shame on us all!!!
  2. bagofboom Committed Player

    @TechWarrior, The BFE duos go up to 250 btw. If you think 99 is the end of it, well, brace yourself. o_O
    As far as the exo farming.....Meh, I don't mind it. It's the very definition of a "grindy" feat. Get in a queue or a group looking for members and farm. I do it every day. Now I'm so close I can smell it, at least, I hope that's what it is!! :eek:
    I have an AMAZING route that is quick and bountiful. I can get 7 or more FULL stacks of EACH color in an hour. An entire row in my inventory (left to right) for each color. Maybe someone has a better one but I think it's pretty damn good. :cool:
    Tedious? Yeah. Boring? Yup. Working as intended? Absolutely. ;)
    I wouldn't be opposed to them giving us credit for the clusters, but it's unnecessary in my opinion.
    Grindy feats are called that for a reason. :)
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  3. ACEMcFly101 Well-Known Player

    That's a good idea, but... I'd be worried - Isn't there some un-quantifiable range/distance you have to be from group members in open world to have your loot/mission/feat credit counted and shared? If you've got 8 people spread out in different farming paths, I'd think you'd only benefit from a couple nearby members, no? It wouldn't cover all Gotham, that - I'm pretty sure of. At least Group Loot and mission credit works like that.
  4. MacFuego Active Player

    I've done it before, it works you'll see some of the older players doing it. Everything in game is better in a group.
  5. BumblingB I got better.

    He did say "at this time" which means they could eventually, but it definitely a crushed dream of mine as well.
  6. ACEMcFly101 Well-Known Player

    Yeah. It sounded like, in that thread, he was focusing on other issues and he brought that up as an added little thing and they said it would be a bigger to-do. I'm not a dev, but I would tend to think they can adjust a feat. If they can nerf them and change them without players losing the counters, it would seem plausible that they could add a means of achieving it. But yeah... idk.

    Hopefully, as time has passed and like 25 people so far on this thread are pulling for it hard... maybe they can look into it??? Maybe?? I hope?? :D:rolleyes:
  7. NoPhilosophy Committed Player

    I had this feat after year three and I still farm.

    To give you some context: you used to be able to make money from farming. I would farm, make mods and sell them for 10 to 15M

    I had incentive to farm and I enjoyed being rewarded with in game money.

    Not to be rude, but I'm sure you're just lazy. You can't get everything in a week.

    We all did it and so can you.

    Also some pvp map feats were 250 instead of 50 and we did those too.
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  8. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    Just because there is a feat for something, doesn't mean you have to complete it. If you don't like PVP, gathering exos, BFE duos, CC bounties then don't worry about the feats associated with them. For me, I rarely run LPVE (I find it boring) and I will never again set foot in the Toyman mission. But should those feats be reduced or changed because I don't like them? Of course not. Grow up people.
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  9. ACEMcFly101 Well-Known Player

    Nah. You definitely haven't been following along (...and that's okay. I'm not saying you should have read all 3 pages of comments,) but I'm not gonna re-clarify for the like 4th time. What you're saying isn't my mindset. This feat is a singular issue. As I said, I have tons of long term feats. I'm a feat hound. Honestly, you're proving the point I'm trying to make by saying you used to have a reason to farm for in-game cash, but things have changed.

    The few people who are opposed to this idea are the ones who already logged hundreds and hundred of hours on it and completed it, naturally. But I think even you guys are over-estimating the relief of my suggestion. It can't be called a nerf. It's so minuscule. The time it takes to earn it would essentially be the same (or way, way longer if people focused on earning via clusters - but they'd make that choice and get others things done simultaneously.) It's more about the principle of fixing something that was overlooked and making "gathering" relevant to how we gather our bits... as was the feat's intent.

    K... That's my last reiteration. You can check out the other comments if you wanna understand more. I hear you about long feats. But this ones broken and overlooked. Period.
  10. BumblingB I got better.

    But how am I going to get into the DWF raid with only 253 skill points. :(
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  11. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    They're the same as always. How have they "become obsolete"?

    They've never been anywhere besides Metropolis and Metropolis Battlefront, Gotham and Gotham Under Siege, and Central City.

    So what?
    Of course you are.

    Nothing whatsoever has changed. Why would you expect the feat to change? Because you don't feel like doing it?

    In other words, yes, you're supposed to complete the feat as intended. Or don't bother.

    There's literally no problem here.

    I think you should do your feats if you want to get your feats done, and quit looking for excuses not to do them.

    Besides, there's nothing more relaxing than flying about in the Gotham night air, picking up exos where you know they are.
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  12. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    They're as relevant as ever, right where they've always been.

    What you're claiming is that it's not enough to have hundreds of spots near each other than you can move in an endless circuit picking up exobits without stop as long as you can keep doing it, but that you should instead have, what, more handed to you in raid instances because it's SOOOOOOOO HARRRRRRD to actually move half a block by block in Metro and Gotham?

    What, are your toon's legs broken?

    Maybe we shouldn't have to go to the effort of queuing for raids. I think all raids should be fought in our bases from now on, because it's TOO HARD to leave them.
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  13. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    You're completely making that up!
  14. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Welcome to the real world, where you don't get rewards by asking for life to be nerfed.

    What does that even mean?

    You can say anything stupid you like; it won't become true because you say it.

    You're literally making that up. Exos are exactly as they've always been and are right where they've always been.

    You're. Making. That. Up.

    Nothing has changed.

    You do realize that playing the game takes hundreds of hours? Yes, grind feats take time. Film at 11.
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  15. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

  16. ACEMcFly101 Well-Known Player

    Whoa dude.

    Well... I don't really have the time or any desire to refute all 12 of those weird rebuttals. Idk if you're trying to get you post-count up or just trolling, but I do know you are genuinely having a hard time following what I was saying.

    What I said about the method of obtaining bits changing after the feat was created is not made up. Idk why you can't seem to understand that, but it's a fact. Metro and Gotham were relevant when that feat was created and it's why the feat was created. The design behind that feat was that while players are running around the open worlds, doing countless objectives, the exobits they farm will be tallied. Then came CC, ect. If you're saying I'm making it up, then you obviously weren't here back then. When the game shifted more and more towards 100% On Duty, clusters were implemented to make up for the lack of exobits players could get in their daily routines like they used to. So, no - It's not that walking bit to bit in gotham is "too hard" or whatever else you said. The fact that you are interpreting it that way speaks volumes.

    You conveniently left out the parts about me completing the other feats that were intended to take a year+. I never complained about them and actually defended their legitimacy to someone else on this thread. I'm talking about one specific feat. My point about it still taking hundreds of hours if clusters counted was saying it wasn't even going to make a difference or nerf it - not complaining about the length of the feat. (It's amazing how many things you've misinterpreted here.) What I meant about having no business logging those hours and how it should be one of the last feats you focus on is just a simple matter of productivity and time-management. If you spend 400+ hours getting 50 feat points when you could have earned 80 SP doing other things, you are not being productive.... to put it nicely. You can call that stupid and untrue... but I'm gonna laugh. Hard.

    Idk where this raging desire to refute everything I say comes from, but if I know one thing, it's that there is absolutely no point in debating it with you. I've met people like you. (Always on the internet, of course :p.) You'd love nothing more than to post 100 more comments picking apart my sentences and keeping this going. But I'm not feeling it. Congrats on your opinion tho. Let's just say that you're absolutely right and you can win. I thought I had an opinion but I now realize how stupid I was for having it. Thank you. You've made me a little smarter with those silly little things your said :D
  17. Craven Green Loyal Player

    The feat is attainable and can be done while you run other content. I finished 25k exobit somewhere in 2013. I would queue and farm at the same time. Farming exos never hindered my progress.

    I would offer suggestions to make it easier but clearly you are not interested in achieving the feat, this is just another one of those "It's too hard, too long, not fair " threads.

    If you really want the feat you will keep at it and earn it not ask the devs to give it to you.
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