Devs, Right tool for the Job, pls fix

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jade Rebel, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    It's extremely frustrating, with the small amount of episode feats I have left, THIS feat had been bugged for over a year now, no mention of it getting fix or looked at. Me, a bunch of friends and league mates still need this feat and want to complete it, but can't. The weapon is bugged and its unable to get picked up. :mad: would love to see this get fixed :(
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  2. Dene Devoted Player

    I still remember trying to find a way around this.. all raid members speccing for all weapons etc - nothing worked
  3. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    Right!?! I really wish they fix it or just give the feat if they aren't going to fix it
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  4. Compound Omega Level 30

    Please correct this issue. Tried to get this feat the other night only to find that it's still bugged. The only feat left in the DLC for me...
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  5. Darth Loyal Player

    I would love if the fixed it. Its the last feat I need for that dlc other than the bounty. I tried running NGN the other day and you still can't pick it up. Have you posted a bug report for this?
  6. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    It's been on the bug tracker for over a year now if that's what your asking, seen others make a arkham bug post about it a while ago, but no mention of it getting acknowledged it's getting looked at or fixed
  7. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

  8. Darth Loyal Player

  9. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Make sure to vote on the issue Daybreak is already tracking:
  10. Darth Loyal Player

  11. Vagrant Committed Player

    Definitely fix this devs please.
  12. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    I had forgot about this feat lol. I still need it too sigh...
  13. ComicJackpot New Player

    I also have nearly every feat in game with the exception of this one.
    Given the time that this issue has been known about, it seems like it simply can't be fixed.
    Then please just award the feat to all players, if this is the case, and then, no one needs to worry about fixing it!
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  14. Darth Loyal Player

    From what I heard, these weapons were deactivated because they do not allow you to use your armory when you have the weapon picked up (saying that you are transformed). If that's the case I would gladly accept that I can't change my armory with the weapons picked up if that means they get activated again and we can actually get the feat. I don't think that's a good reason to have them deactivated.

    EDIT: If there is some other issue, I would be interested to know what it is.
  15. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    Where was it said they were supposedly deactivated? If this true kinda bs to make this feat unobtainable by deactivating the weapons, I too would be ok with not being able to switch amories with the weapon on, or even add a side ability somewhere to take off the weapon if you happened to need to switch amories
  16. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    There are plenty of other places that transformations take place in 8-player content, preventing armory use. I doubt that's the issue. It might be related to the issue in Halls of Hades that prevents Heroes from picking up items from the Villain's instance and vice versa. I believe the issue occurred around the same time as cross faction in PvE.
  17. GingerOnTheRocks Well-Known Player

    Hoping this gets fixed
  18. Luke© Well-Known Player

    Sadly not fixed after a year.
    Don´t know what they´re doing, but they have fixed a feat, in "Black Dawn" (You can´t farm the clowns anymore, so the feat is impossible to do, in my opinion, 169 Clowns?!?! WTF)
    But fixing a feat, which people want 2 be fixed? No, why should they?...
    Also they ruined / bugged the collection feat, i collected every collection in the general game, but i dont get the freat granted, super great!
    If they go on like that, soon there wont be any feats to do, because everything is bugged.
  19. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    The issue I remember having was as soon as you picked it up you could no longer use any powers and could barely move, if at all. There boss would be defeated by the time you got to the room. There were several complaints about that, then it looks like they made it so you can't pick it up. It's probably a "temporary" thing until they get around to fixing whatever caused the issue. But another "temporary" change was removing the walk in portal for Dox until some but there was fixed. And how long has that portal been down?
  20. FaLeX Dedicated Player

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