Devs, Please give me something to spend my replays on

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MCAZR, Feb 13, 2014.

  1. MCAZR New Player

    During the post-loot changes to OC, I budgeted around 5000 replay badges a month. During a recent sale, it looked like the trend would be towards very generous loot drops and offer very low re-playability so I only bought about 8500 replay badges to hold me over for the next few months. A few months have gone by and I've only spent about half of them and only a small portion of those on the latest DLC.

    I see that purchasing feats with replay badges is coming but to be honest I won't be spending much because skill points mean very little but even more important is that I have a limited number of alts that I care to maintain the mainframe up-keep on anyways.

    I'd continue replaying mbot/obot but I will admit that it's to the point that it's making me dislike the game each time I do those missions.

    So Devs, got any tricks up your sleeves to relieve us willing customers of our replay badges? How about a style vendor that accepts replay badges as a valid currency? Maybe give us the ability to set the difficulty of a raid if we use replay badges.
  2. TrueOlympus New Player

    Still could be useful. any alts that got feats your main doesn't have(for whatever reason), you can make your main stronger
  3. MCAZR New Player

    Skill points are useful but gear stats are so high that skill points lose significant value after the percentage increases have been obtained. An example is one of my alts has 2002 vit with 92 sp and an additional skill point will increase vit 2 points. It's pointless to purchase skill points for this alt since I've already maximized cunning.

    I might buy one feat off of an alt but that's 3 replay badges so not much long term when it comes to spending replay badges. It would be nice to have more replay value in content like OC had when the loot tables were buffed but I guess the Devs are afraid of the avalanche of QQ's they'll receive. It's too bad because I really liked OC and didn't mind contributing to it. The new content is ok but offers very little in replayability. I can't see myself playing this game in the longer term if the current trend of shallow content continues.
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