@devs please bring back Halls of Hades & Coast City

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ElMaestroLoco, May 15, 2023.

  1. ElMaestroLoco New Player

    Hey guys, as the title suggests:
    Can you pls bring these back? Or at least give us a transparent answer on when these will return?
    It has been 3 months already that they have been removed...
    Thx in advance for any piece of information regarding this topic.
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  2. drail27 Active Player

    This is the same for me, but others i am playing with still seem to have them in their on Duty menu.
  3. Kebapbox New Player

    Can someone from the devs please shed light into this matter? I am curious as well.
  4. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We do expect these to return soon.
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  5. ElMaestroLoco New Player

    Another 2 months passed @Mepps. What exactly is soon? Please bring these back even if it is only for one week so we can wrap up the remaining achievements. Or can you guys at least make the achievement related feats "auto complete"?
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  6. iLikeMyFeats New Player

    yeah i would love to these return!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. MoriBoriKori New Player

    Oh, I just created a thread regarding these two dungeons myself, didnt realize there is another one.
    @Mepps I dont know how much resources are available for fixing this, but like ElMaestroLoco already suggested, would it be possible to autopop the feats relating Hall of Hades and Ferris Aircraft?
    Given that a lot of feats also auto-pop with the character boost that is offered each January, that doesnt sound too far from possible?
    I'm aware this is very much a me-problem but I spent 275h on DC and was able to knock out all trophies besides the ones related to these two dungeons and it would really rub me the wrong way being denied getting the 100% trophy stack on PSN because of the removal of the dungeons.

    I'd highly appreciate any feedback on this issue

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  8. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

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  9. Koro249 New Player

    I am in the same boat as mori, put a lot of effort into this game and it would be really frustrating if i couldn‘t get to 100% now because the 2 dungeons are missing. Best would be if the dungeons came back, but I think the auto-popping would also be an acceptable solution.
  10. impulse1 Well-Known Player

    Can we also bring back Arkham Asylum please?
  11. myandria Item Storage

    Arkham Asylum has walk in access too, right? Or is the walk in portal gone as well?
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  12. Virtual New Player

    Having the Hall of Hades and Coast City missing is locking a couple of feat tied to those, which is quite unfair. If they are not coming back, the feats tied to them should be auto-unlocked for everyone (as well as the "Fight for the Light" feat). I am currently holding on from renewing the subscription as it is basically incomplete, and I know some people are doing so as well.
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  13. Dilios Well-Known Player

    League of Assassins chest style only drops in Coast City so, please... =]
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  14. Dev72 Dedicated Player

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  15. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    These fixes are still in progress.
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  16. ElMaestroLoco New Player

    So they will return 100%? Can you please give an estimation to the time still needed?
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  17. vRad Well-Known Player

    Arkham Asylum shows for me under T1 Alerts, 2nd from bottom. The walk-in alert is available too. Perhaps you're referring to the portal inside the courtyard? Only villains can enter that- they receive a daily Arkham mission and can enter that portal after completing 5 daily missions (similar thing at Steelworks). Villains get Arkham and Steelworks daily missions (and a solo walk-in after completing 5 dailies) while heroes only get daily bounties there; the roles reverse at Ace and Strykers, the heroes get assigned dailies and have a solo walk-in while villains only get a bounty at those sites.
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  18. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The Arkham Asylum instance was temporarily removed and just recently put back on.
  19. Eve Creator League, YouTuber


    An update today on Tw..X
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  20. ElMaestroLoco New Player

    Thank you for keeping our hopes up high and letting us know about the tweet!
    Let's hope that the above mentioned statement also applies to the Ferris Aircraft stuff :)
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