Devs need to make a feat for how many people u can pick up!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Green Lantern Fadi, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    A lot of people in the game don't care about picking people up or just try to chase the board like me haha but what if the devs put fears for how many people u can revive ? Like say 20-50-100-150-200 etc . Everyone will get motivated to pick up ! And they will get used to it in the future even if there was no feat for it . Your thoughts?
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  2. BumblingB I got better.

    They are trying to get rid of picking up players. Elite mode?
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  3. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    Too easy to exploit. Have a friend un-equip gear and die repeatedly and pick them up...rinse repeat.
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  4. Here2Help Devoted Player

    I'm always picking people up... easy feats <3
  5. Marine Death Committed Player

    How is it different from other feats? Anything and everything can be exploited. By having a pick up feat would encourage positive teamwork.
    Love the idea! Have it to go up to 10,000.
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  6. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    I love the idea, but this one is TOO easily exploitable and the devs have stated that as the reason for never having such a feat. I love the idea of more pickups, but something less exploitable would have to be the answer.

    Possibly a feat for unique player pickup numbers. So you couldn't get a friend to die over and over as picking them up would only count once. Also, you could possibly make this reset daily per player, so if you are always running with league you can still get points towards it when picking up fellow league mates for the 100th time.
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  7. Marine Death Committed Player

    Nice idea!
  8. HersheyKiss New Player

    Seems most think your idea is a good one. I for one dont think people should be rewarded for doing what they should do. Its like the men who say "i take care of my kids" well your suppose to do that. Just like your supposes to revive people. The good players and leagues know this. Reviving is an essential part of running instances 99% of the time. Imo people shouldnt be rewarded for doing that. Just my 2 cents.
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  9. Requake Dedicated Player

    Or don't die in the first place. I like the initiative in elite tbh.
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  10. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    or not so much feats but prestige would even be welcomed IMO
  11. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    agree 100%, but at the same time where not everyone does this its nice kinda how fathers and mothers are rewarded mom and father of the year for being a good mom/dad ;)

    yea your suppose to be good parents its your job as parents, but its always nice to see appreciation for the stuff you do when there are parents out there that dont do so good at being good parents to their kids.
  12. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    I agree to an extent, but the game already rewards you for doing the right thing in many other ways. Also, while a lot of people will agree with you, some people truly believe that it is not their job. This is mostly with DPS, who are adamant that it is a troll-ONLY job. Even though trolls are more equipped to pickup, and should be primary pickup in a dangerous area(near adds, dots, etc), it is still a dps's job to pickup.
  13. ChuckLess New Player

    Just get rid of the scoreboard. Then, there would be no need to "bribe" players into being team players.

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  14. JReel New Player

    A feat like pick up 20 players in one raid......

    I would have that feat 50 times over.
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  15. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    Agree with you 100%
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  16. Lionxoft Committed Player

    So you want a feat that tanks will need to stop tanking boss + adds so they can pick someone up? No thanks :p
  17. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    I still agree with you but it will teach the new players to pick up and play it safe
  18. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    There are plenty of feats that aren't as easy, or even obtainable, by certain roles. This inspires diversity among the player base and is not a reason to exclude a feat that could promote better teamwork.
  19. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Try to PUG lab. I selected only DPS but ended up trolling to assist and the primary troll than went DPS as he thought I could solo troll. Well, low and behold I go down next to said player, guess what. HE DOES NOT PICK ME UP....I got yelled at for a lack of power. I stated calmly, yeah I cannot provide power when I'm down. We end up reaching the first boss. I send a tell to the other troll asking kindly for him to troll. He said nope. Look at the he went down right next to me....I normally pick people up, but this time I said screw that and moved away to pick up another player down...he started to send me tells letting me know I was right next to him, etc....

    At that point we ended up wiping on the boss. Tank starts it and I send a tell to the following players. Tank, sorry got to bounce hopefully person who came in as a troll, trolls. Sent same tell to healer. Than I sent a tell to the player that came in as a troll. Sorry I did not pick you up. I do have to go. So troll for these guys. Later.

    I got a few more nasty message from that player and eventually put him on my ignore list. I do not care if you are a 115 DPS and only a 112 troll. You picked TROLL, so TROLL already. Also, I know this is about picks up. Well, if the player wants me to solo troll, pick me up when I go down or later on I will return the favor.

    I really hate ********* players, they take the fun out of this game. And it is why I rarely like pugging.

    Oh and great idea by the way. It definitely should be there and on the scorecard before DAMAGE OUT!
  20. Lionxoft Committed Player

    It's not the tank's role to res people if he's tanking boss + adds. I think not wiping in a raid is a good enough reason for people to pick up. Let's not tie player power advancement to it.