Devs name reclaim event idea!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AJPro, Mar 19, 2022.

  1. AJPro Committed Player

    We can all agree there are many wonderful names on toons that their owners no longer play the game.
    The last reclaim event cause much drama, made the game owners no real money (mainly people made new toons), and many name hoarders (insincere players) benefited.
    Advertise: the name reclaim day as a day that players can only use name change badges, on toons CR (a level that costs 10$ to purchase maybe…290) and only three max per account.
    For one day lock character creation.
    So the name spammers would need to preemptively level up a three toons, by cr advance and all by tokens/purchases …all easily trackable.
    After that one day, everything gets unlocked…it is a free for all.
    The sincere player that really wants that dead name already got their shot.
    The name reclaim event would help new players get access to great names and with this system you would make the same amount of money but the name hoarder and illegal sellers would have to spend a lot of money ahead of time in a very trackable way for only being able to sell three names….
    Since GU 122 had so many aspects that made the game better for aspects not related to the actual game but the player (like having orbitals in kiosk and now account bound) I figured you might be up for setting up this cash opportunity for you and having the name for us without “X” or weird amalgamations.
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  2. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Better solution: come up with better names and leave the current ones alone.
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  3. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    nah, man. seriously, just think of another name. it's not that hard.
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  4. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    This game isn't so popular that you need to have numbers or symbols next to everything. It's easy enough to make up short names. I made Heoric recently. The obsession people have with "elite" names in this game is ridiculous.
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  5. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    I don't think "Heoric" is doing the heavy lifting in your argument that you think it's doing.
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  6. KidKretz Committed Player

    i see these posts made a lot lately.

    maybe OP's should just tell us what names they want, and let ur peers come up with cool new names for you to be instead :)
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  7. AJPro Committed Player

    I admit i like to make cosplay toons from my favorite comics…so those names like from Astro City or Miracleman are long gone
  8. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    I'm not entirely against name reclaims because there are a lot of characters with good names who's players no longer play and never really will. But at the same time, I don't think it's really necessary. It could be kinda nice but I think we're really fine either way, honestly. I never really cared that much about getting the absolute perfect name. I mostly just care about getting a name that works, makes sense, and that I know what it means. Many of my characters have numbers or l33t speak in them or initials or acronyms or first names tacked on. Hence why my character who in her story has the super-name of Karma is BGKarma in the game, my warped version of Damian who in his story uses the title High Lord Assassin is HLADamian in game, my character with the super-name Guardian Angel in his story is GAng3l in game, etc. Heck, even my name on here is an example. I tend to use the name KestrelDC across the internet but had to make myself K3str3lDC on here. In my mind, my character's "username" and canonical or in-universe name are not necessarily the same thing. It's an MMO, after all, I'll take what I can get. It saves me so much frustration. Finding an available name that'll go through is frustrating enough and can take long enough. I don't have the time or patience to be **** about getting the "perfect" version of a name. So, like, I wouldn't be against it per se, but meh..... don't think we need it. Never really got the rabid obsession with getting "perfect" or "elite" names and paying a bunch of money for them.
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  9. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Tired of seeing these. Be creative. I really have no idea why you would want to be someone else, when the game is geared toward making something of your own
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  10. Enemy Ace Well-Known Player

    Hopefully the devs are getting tired of seeing these posts and finally address the issue. The need for a name reclaim isn't going away on its own.

    Names matter. Not to everyone, maybe not to you, but to the rest of us they matter. To illustrate the point, think of us like Rocket Racoon laughing hysterically at the guy wanting to be known as Tazerface.

    In fact, evertime I read a response from the "get creative" crowd, my thought is, "ok, Tazerface."
  11. thirty six Loyal Player

    A name reclaim would just be abused and would have to be overly policed. It's more work for the Devs than it's worth to anybody, but new kids.

    Also, why is it cool to have a normal, average, meaningless word for your name. "Dividedly" "Process" "Arithmetic"... Unimpressive. Just because it's a word in the dictionary, doesn't mean it's a cool name in a video game. Since we're sharing unpopular opinions, I felt I should add one in
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  12. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    lol. just because we don't think there's any "need" ( ha! ) for a name reclaim doesn't mean we don't care about our names. in fact, I'd argue we care a lot more about our names than any unimaginative cosplayer who wants to call himself Batman or Superman or Green Lantern or Enemy Ace. Tazerface? really? again, lol. seriously, the gall of it, a guy who skanks the name of someone else's character looking down on people who cared enough about their toon that they spent a little time working on an original name. outstanding.
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  13. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    The name reclaim should be especially irrelevant if you've been playing a long time too. Are you going to text everyone you've ever met to let them know that you're Ace now instead of Jimbobbaway Jones?
  14. Enemy Ace Well-Known Player

    If I've "skanked" a name from another source, then that means at least two people think the name is worthwhile, which is one more than most names and two more than many others.
  15. Wallachia Devoted Player

    There is no need for name reclaim. People who defend this insanity are people who are unable to think of better names to their toons and insist on forcing their selfish limitation on the entire community.

    If names matter, then nobody's name must matter more than anyone else's, which means that whoever uses a name you whine so much to reclaim is as entitled to their name as anyone else. Contrary to what your mother tells you, little timmy, you are not special.

    Come up with a better name. And no, "ok tazerface" is not a smart answer.
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  16. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Have you tried Meteor Man? It’s a 1993 movie.
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  17. Enemy Ace Well-Known Player

    Are you always this resistant to other people getting something that doesn't directly benefit you?
  18. Scotty Well-Known Player

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  19. Scotty Well-Known Player

    And this
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  20. Scotty Well-Known Player

    Otherwise go to an online name generator and make a new name. It's not that hard.
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