DEVS: Glad to see something is happening

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Reinheld, Dec 3, 2019.

  1. Jurandyr Ross Well-Known Player

    We won't miss you. Bye, I guess. :)
    • Like x 1
  2. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    So all that BIG Talk in Trade about Wipe my Money and Ill be Great again was total BS..Yep You Guilty
    • Like x 6
  3. Yochanan32 Well-Known Player

    OK, so they have locked down the Broker for everyone? I know I have strictly used the broker for buying and selling. I have complained about the inflated prices before but nothing was done. So why lock down everything? I use the broker to sell materials I collect and drops. I research the current costs and sometimes sell high and sometimes low. If they want to put a cap on things then that fine. But if you allow the wild wild west of unlimited capitalism then you get problems. So my question is this, Why sweep up everyone?
  4. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
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  5. Gigi Bear Active Player

    Dont add me to what you do. Thanks. Dont be like DC and show proof. It's just words.
  6. Helping101 New Player

    How you message mepps?
  7. michgal89 New Player

    Easy sell things from time capsule for going or low rate.
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  8. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Patience man. They have specifically said this is temporary. They'll reopen Trade and the Broker once things are fixed.
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  9. Protecktor MKV Committed Player

    I'm so glad my sub is almost up.
  10. YoungBlood New Player

    all they have to do is go through ur history like u said lol but i wont mention "your name" ;) yes i wont add you to what i do, im really clean and dont take advantage over people...oh and im PC so i dont buy psn
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  11. YoungBlood New Player

    click on his name and open convo
  12. Gromm865s Active Player

    Well maybe selling a cosmic or 2 for several hundred billions during this exploit might be part of the problem...idk...have you ignored on the game, wish we could ignore here too.
  13. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    You can
  14. Gigi Bear Active Player

    Have a Merry Christmas though.
  15. Gromm865s Active Player

    Oh goodness, shows how much time I spend on the forums...ty for helping end my suffering... :)
  16. Yochanan32 Well-Known Player

    I do understand that. It is just a pain now to do it during the event when I buy the collections for my alts. Plus, eventually, I will have to just delete what is not sell-able to the vendors. There will be no way to refund that. But I can wait for now.
  17. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    I'm not banned and I have also been holding certain items since they came out of their respective capsules/bundles waiting for max value. I just knew something was up and also know when something is too good to be true. You guys risked playing in the mud and got dirty. Don't get mad when your parents make you shower before going back outside to play again
    • Like x 3
  18. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    I didn't get banned. I know of at least 20 other multi billionaires who didn't get banned. There's being legit, and then there's being predatory. All the predatory billionaires I know got caught up in the sweep....I wonder why? They couldn't resist all those commas and got caught with their hands in the cookie jar.
    • Like x 3
  19. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Ok, so you complained about the pricing/economy and nothing was done? Now they are doing something and you're still complaining? Just trying to figure out what you are actually complaining about here lol
  20. Luke® Level 30

    Open a support ticket.