Devs: fire and gu43

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by ApolloMystique, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    I changed to Earth, but I love Fire. I will wait to see what they will do with the Tank Role. What I am reading here about the changes, I confess, I have a fear about. I don't know, I think the problem isn't change how is the mechanic, like increase restoration too just if you have 81 gear or more. They will change a lot DB and SF. I fell the Fire tank is hard to play becasue our healing isn't good enough, and this changes that they will do, I don't think will fix this. Fire doesn't have 80k of healt like rage to recive damage and recive a self healing, it's to dangerous. In T6 we have like 33k (arround) when using a power, so, if we recive 8k damage, is arround 25% of our life, if we revice three attacks like this at the same time (and this isn't so hard to happen in the new raid), I think this changes isn't be our salvation.

    And I can't say NOTHING in the feedback, becasue I don't play the test server, in another words, I am stuck in the hands the others players.

    If the Tank becone horrible, I will really give up of Tanking and change to Troll or Healer.
  2. blazninferno Level 30

    I loved fire tanking i did good heals but only because i got alot of skill points my issue is whatever power u are it should do your role and dps equally as good with fire the tank can use a lil help dont get me wrong but the dps needs alot of work they really should set there best ppl down and figure this out
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  3. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    You are right, the Tank just need some fixes, but the DPS need a huge love from the DEVs.
  4. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    And..... no one of the DEVs to came here and say what WE ARE TALKING... creep.
  5. Stark23 Committed Player

    It's really all about MD's base damage/range. There is absolutely no excuse for seeing a hit for 3500. Next, I would say increase the time you have to refresh the AM. Maybe from 6 seconds to 8 seconds. You get knocked down, stunned, pushed back and then have a 3 second cast time; 6 seconds is just not enough.
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  6. Minecrawler New Player

    you are joking right? Survivability has absolutely nothing to do with AMs. How many times youll die in those situations depends on your situational awareness and reflexes. The fact that the guy (with significantly less stats than you) still managed to out dps you by more than a mil even after dying 28 times more than you ( thats like what 4/5 minutes of 0 dps out?) shows how weak the fire AM is. If you seriously think Fires AMs not a joke then your comment is a joke.
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  7. Fools Fire Loyal Player

    No, it shows the poster's comment I was replying to, which you omitted, was incorrect.

    Because someone is higher on the scoreboard doesn't mean the 2n'd or 3'rd place DPS' power or loadout aren't competitive.
  8. SkuIIx Active Player

    Since fireburst is useless now. Here is an idea, shorten the range, boost mellee damage, interact with volatilty, interact with burning/immolation. Split after 2......