Devs: fire and gu43

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by ApolloMystique, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. ApolloMystique New Player

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  2. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Oh yeah mos def.
    It's not an issue man. Im sorry if i came off sharply. I was only calmly replying.
    i should have put an emoji ;)
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  3. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    HOping they slip the dps side in to that thread (a man can hope)

    I am hoping they look at the dps side after they do the tank side.
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  4. RavenSW Well-Known Player

    As a fire tank, I can say fire tanking is actually the best tank power in the game, and I have played around with Ice and Rage. Fire features better crowd control then the controlling powers, without a true pull I can easily pull a large room with little problem. However because so can trolls tend to want to stun or encase immediately it does make it more difficult at times. So for this reason alone introducing a true pull into fire would be helpful to gather my group without any interference. Some tweaks to healing would also be welcome
  5. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    fire AM helps more your support TROLL than your damage out...with all the cast times and interuptables half the really good fire powers like snuff out are pretty much left out of BOTH AM and sucks hard and maybe we need a NEW GROUP of DEVS to see that fact
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  6. RavenSW Well-Known Player

    Fire AM does need some serious work, too few powers actually benefit or contribute and it becomes basically a 2 power rotation with an additional 2 power setup. Inferno is one that comes to mind that uses too much power that could benefit from it. That and mass det needs to simply hit harder, for the amount of time it takes, 4 power casts on a casting power gets overall 3/4 the damage output of a well executed WM combo. Simply ineffective, I like the direction it went, the execution is severly lacking however
  7. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    Fiire tanking needs no update except the ability for its pulls to overide quantum. I also agree its the best tank power, well to be honest i havent tanked earth before.
  8. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Sorry but i disagree with you. The only thing fire needs is the healing buffed up.
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  9. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    How much buffing does it need? I havent used a soda in lockdown in monthes. I use maybe 2 or 3 in love and war.
  10. Magnificent Loyal Player

    Healing needs to be increased, but I think that's putting the cart a little ahead of the horse. We need a slight tweak to the Dom->Health conversion ratio (currently 1:2.2, maybe bump it to 2.6), then increase our Healing bonus to compensate for the extra health. A small adjustment to how much our Defense mitigates might not be too bad either.
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  11. Minecrawler New Player

    To all who are saying the fire AM is good enough to keep up with other AMs and WM, you guys seriously need to run with some good DPS.
    As for tanking to all who thinks fire tanking doesnt need any update, Im sure 99% of these people never tanked with any power, let alone fire.
    Thanks to the devs in advance for the updates. Im sure whatever it is its gonna be an improvement.
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  12. RavenSW Well-Known Player

    Getting an innate buff to resto could do the trick as well. Fire is a healing tank after all so buffing our resto based off dominance
  13. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    Curious on how you get your ratios. My health is 13629, dom is 2882, resto is 3762.
  14. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    i do ok with my fire toon but i agree its a bit weak and needs a boost
  15. areacode8O8 Committed Player

    Boooo!!! I enjoy being the only one fire tanking. Fire tanks are fine the way it is.
  16. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    I think we will see the dps side get some love after this update. It seems like they are doing nature, ice, hardlight, and mental dps PLUS fire tanking in one update, then add legends pve to this update. That seems like a BIG update!:eek: Say hello to a whole day offline when they release it.
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  17. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    I promise you aren't the only one fire tanking ;)
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  18. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    Yeah but fire tanking updates means they are gonna screw with my loadout and my timing. I guess I look at these power updates like I do the first power update when they took my healing debuff ball and boxing glove away.
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  19. Magnificent Loyal Player

    When you fire off a power you get a boost to your health that is based off your total Dom. Last time I checked it was 2.2xDom (which would give you and extra 6,340 health for the 12-second power-usage window). With your stats, that should bring you to 19,969 or 19,970 depending on how they round. I may have written it out a bit confusingly in my previous post. ;)
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  20. Korlick Loyal Player

    It wasnt confuse in your previous post. Some people just dont know the basics things and pretend to teach others and claim that all is working fine.
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