Devs: Can we revisit the minimum CR levels for episodes?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ChowlinShicken, Jan 17, 2020.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    2 tanks are not required. I solo tanked it (reg not elite) when just over level around 120-130CR so we weren't 'overburning' it(I think I might still have the video and will post if needed). Unfortunately what you need in addition to the 1 tank is 7 other people with brains in their heads and 60 seconds to LISTEN to and then follow instructions. One of the failed runs I was in HAD 2 tanks....still failed. What they did not have is either of the other things...brains and ears/eyes to follow instructions.

    But that's what we've been breeding...brainless bashers who can just smash through anything. 'Get gud' used to mean learn how to play the it just means spend some cash on artis and replays. Personally I hope they never do anything about these kind of mechanics....I like to use them as a testing grounds for anyone I think I might want to run with....if we can't get this done after a try or 2, I'll just not run with them much.

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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'd go for level 30 or maybe CR 64 (I think that's T2 or T3)....but yeah, not level 4 as it is today...all that does is show that you got off the ship, not exactly a difficult feat.

  3. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Hear some tell it, it is which is why the ship/tutorial was nerfed
  4. OmegaMan nWo Level 30

    I'm not going to just complain about advanced CR characters because most of our issues with them could have been solved before they reach level 30.
    1. Yes but most new players and CR advanced players I've come across lately dont understand simple things like SP, augments, artifacts or even how their power/role works. This can be fixed by adding more tutorials, maybe an auto option for these things, and making all of the augments and artifacts available for purchase from Constantine or someone.

    2. I honestly dont think their CR makes a difference when a new player doesnt have enough SP, doesnt know how to gain more SP or where/how to spend SP. The same could be said for augments, artifacts, load outs, powers and even gear. Even if a veteran player were to explain these things and the mechanics of the group content they are participating in, low SP and general lack of progression knowledge is not something that can be fixed easily. They'll have to grind for months (if not years) and thats not accounting the awful queue times for older content. Progression needs to be overhauled and streamlined. More importantly, SP and CR need to be re-evaluated and adjusted to a game where there are no queues for older content and we're adding more and more characters with low SP and CR into the game every year. Or make older content drop relevant gear and source marks.

    3. Failing in an instance encourages us veteran players to inspect and kick players that dont have proper gear, artifacts, and augments. And I'm sure that encourages those new players to play a different game because their character has been deemed worthless by their fellow players. The learning curve and SP differential is overwhelming and the gap between vets and new players grows with every content release. You could increase the impact or CR or decrease the effect of SP or augments/artifacts or do a stats revamp every few years but those are just quick fix solutions that wont satisfy anyone because the problem is a lack of knowledge. In my opinion, the "easiest" fix this would be to add so many tutorials and drills that there's no way a new player doesnt understand whats necessary to contribute to a team.

    Centralize all augments and artifacts to one vendor
    Create an auto spend option for load outs, SP spread and anything else tied to progress
    Adjust the effects of CR and SP because SP is locked behind bad queues or add marks and relevant gear to older queues
    Add tons of tutorials and drills on everything tied to progression

    What if we had a new currency and vendor for older content and added styles that are linked to SP there, similar the vendors in the aquacultural area of the watchtower.
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