Devs, bring back dcuo to its open world glorious days.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by darkscarletx, Mar 21, 2016.

  1. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    When I started dcuo for the first time, I loved how we could do anything in open world. Now it is completly gone.
    We, players, have a few things to do at our current tiers. We have a lot in lower contents but why remove what was so awesome and brought people to your game.

    -Open world missions from before level 30, bring arc storylines again!
    -Cutscenes we had but completely removed now. Bring them back please. We love arts devs. Just like the styles
    -Bounties that were so fun to do and meeting iconics on each sides. Bring new ones!
    -The heroic and villainous acts. I loved this. Make us feel like heroes or villains again!
    -Briefings, investigations, collections more to add too!
    -Events like Mepps do often but monthly, we can have always one.(With an announcement please. -_- You can do this in different phases so we are not too many and not lagging. You can find a solution for the lags.)
    -More Pvp open world events.
    -New Pvp tournaments on both sides.
    -And more..

    Now if people bring the replays, remember that we buy the replay badges, not the replay contents. You can do whatever you want with it, even buy skill points.
    Dcuo has lost something great and I'd like it comes back. Something I saw in the beginning that brought me to dcuo and that I don't see anymore and it is sad, because it is makes dcuo a great game to play. Give more reasons to your players to come back and play.

    I do love the contents btw. Not saying I hate them. But more stuff would be nice. The game need it.

    I know some too will say not enough devs can do the job, or cost too much. Well let's tell them that we want them! If people don't say anything, they will think they don't matter anymore and they don't need to bring them back.
    They can do a lot more money with them too and bring a lot more players to keep the game alive.

    Thank you for reading. I really hope it will happen.
    • Like x 12
  2. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I will never understand the appeal to open world content or the desire to get back to those "Leveling" missions. They're so bland and generic. I understand the desire for something to do daily, I understand the desire to fight a boss in the open world, I understand why people want open world PVP, I don't understand why someone would want to gather 11 bombs for star labs to disable and kill 5 of some random NPC every day. The rest I kind of agree with.

    I wouldn't be opposed to a new instanced version of Metropolis/gotham that is filled with random high level bounties and something like the sub avatar generators in south gotham exclusively for players 150 and above (with areas that increase in level significantly as you move through the districts). Maybe even a small section of that open world for a free for all PVP area. No more daily "busy work" missions though I love DCUO so. Not at the expense of a new instance though.
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  3. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Everyone play differently. Some may only like progress in instance, others like it in open world too. I like both. My favorite was gotham under siege, the home turf missions, the bounties, even the story arcs, it add some stories. I miss that so much. And the events. I want we keep the contents coming, but they could add a open world or bounties anything in open world each month with the episode.
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  4. mexmex Dedicated Player

    Lol, we can only hope
  5. Entrust Committed Player

    I'd like see open-world content again. (Multiple missions daily, bounties, etc).

    One more vote FOR open-world!
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  6. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Not going to happen. You already see the problems from the seasonals.

    Not to mention the large amount of complaints from PS3 players about rendering and lag issues for open world content.

    I would not be surprised if we dont receive new open world content until the PS3 is dropped.
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  7. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Agree with Greenman..
    Not a fan of open world.
  8. ErnieB Loyal Player

    Or ever if they still insist monthly content means more to us.
  9. ErnieB Loyal Player

    Every MMO has open world, of course we're the only one that decided to kill it. But like alerts and solos, unless you can find a way to match replay badges sales for raids, devs wont bring it back.
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  10. Derio 15000 Post Club

    This pretty much. Since people dont reset open world content like they do for alerts or raids. They have no incentive to create such content for us.
    • Like x 3
  11. ErnieB Loyal Player

    87 is always more than 24, but more people are always doing alerts than raids, even though alerts reset daily, they still replay.
  12. TestReporter Loyal Player

    I don't.
  13. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Yeah, but they could easily give us a new bounty with a boss thats already in-game in a place that we already have acess to, like putting a new bounty in gotham under siege or new genesis, then in the future they can think about something else, i'm sure they would sell a lot of replays if we had a bounty to replay at least in the alert/elite alert and the raid month.
  14. ErnieB Loyal Player

    didn't know you represented everyone.
    • Like x 2
  15. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Okay, you are not. You don't need to do them. But I like them.
  16. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    I reset them for feats and styles.
    • Like x 1
  17. Backseid Devoted Player

    No open world, and group play only!

    Lol, there are several people in this community that think this is what an MMO is supposed to be -.-
  18. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    To everyone saying I hate open world, it is you.

    Other players like them and I'm sure they are many. You can don't run them, no one is forcing you.
  19. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Hey, you played the beginning of the game? If you don't like open world so I'm guessing you spend time in a instance... Yeah you must be in Metro or watchtower. Hey you do stuff in open world sometimes? I'm sure you do.
  20. Delta796th Loyal Player

    No, but are we NOT express our thoughts?
    I and others as seen from other threads dislike them

    Not bashing you for liking them, just giving the other side