Work In Progress Development Update: Style Unlocking

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Apr 19, 2018.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Yes (but not in phase 1).
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  2. Wonder Wiccan Dedicated Player

    Two questions. When will this be going live and what about the original lockbox styles like stalwart defender and noble warrior will they be included or no?
  3. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Just how excited is the DEV team about getting this out?
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  4. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Will the
    Back-From-the-Hack Sweatshirt
    Batman Inspired Mask

    Be Included in the Style Unlocking?
    Asking for a Friend?
  5. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    Excellent. After pretty much a year of darkness you guys come out of the shadows with the update I have been waiting for. My wallet is ready.
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  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    GU82 is planned for the next few weeks. The rest of the phases will roll out with future game updates over time. Lockbox styles are not included in phase 1, but we expect them to be included in later phases.
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  7. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    First off so excited to see this, however i'm seriously disappointed on how materials AREN"T included. I think you guys would seriously miss out on some money, I have so many alts I would love to unlock materials on. How hard is it to make a category for materials like there is one with auras and other styles to show what you have? Cuz that way you can be able to unlock them that way. (like if u never got a material from the capsules, u of course still need to unlock capsules to get it. However, for people with MULTIPLE alts that have the materials on their mains that want them for their alts, that's some serious money u be missing out on, just saying) If you don't want to add all materials, fine, but it be nice to unlock the liquid and cosmic materials since those won't be around :mad::oops:
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  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We expect these to be included eventually, not in phase 1.
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  9. ImMavis New Player

    Tis a shame we won't be getting materials unlocking but I suppose style unlocking will befiting, for now.
  10. ChillCat Loyal Player

    What happens if you click "Unlock All" but the replay cost is more than what you have? Does it just say "Sorry, you can't do that"? Does it open up the MP? Does it just unlock as much as it can and if so, in what order?
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  11. Nightcrawler Legionnaire

    I have literally never wanted an update to go live more than this one. Thank you!
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  12. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    It's probably since materials aren't listed in any style category page. You don't scroll down and just select it. It has a totally different menu, so how would you unlock it for alts? The only way they could get it to work would be to charge like 500 replay badges to unlock the 3* feat for obtaining them on alts. But what if you already unlocked it? Would they take that away from you, forcing you to unlock it again? How would they put it in your alts menu? Would they mail it to you? See how complicated it gets to program?

    Maybe they should just make an account bound version available on the MP (or, sigh, quark vendor) once you've obtained the original.
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  13. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    Feat unlocking was tested, just set to 0 badges on test. Similar to how we reset content on test, all costs are 0 badges.

    To test, all you would need is two characters. One goes and gets a bunch of vendor gear, and see if you have any issues show up, like finding a way to wear the style without unlocking it.
  14. Wonder Wiccan Dedicated Player

    And what about op styles and hard to come by styles like Valiant Warrior Dark Witch Deathstroke's bandalier and wondergirl belt? Will they also be included or in a later phase?
  15. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Currently, the button is not available if you do not have enough replays.
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  16. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

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  17. aethergirl Level 30

    I never use my replay badges... I have THOUSANDS of reply badges...
  18. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Is the Rare Style Vendor (and the styles available there) included in the PvE vendors list for the first phase, or is that something that would come later?
  19. MrChiCity0884 Well-Known Player

    Mepps no stream today I cold have swore I heard and read u guys had a 3day live stream
  20. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Really? There's tons of things you can use them on. Like resets or you can exchange them for in game cash via trusted traders. :)
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