Development Update: Age of Justice!

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, May 18, 2017.

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  1. JohnnyDWellens Level 30

    Sorry man, so far, this stuff looks lame. You have the entire JSA to inspire gear and you guys choose the Blackhawks? WWII is played out and boring. You could have had missions that span all of time but you choose to stay in the most cliche'd era in time? None of this is original or interesting. Look, prove me wrong, but honestly you just lost my support, this is unoriginal, uninspired and lacking creativity. I could have done a better job with JSA as the premise.
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  2. 01 Cantore Level 30

    I hope with all my faith that in this DLC do not make the mistake of raising the price oft armors since they ask for many brands and it is too slaving . The same also for the omnipotent collections 200 brands is absurd, 100 brands might be bearable. It absurd that players have so much struggle to get the equipamen, And if somehow you want to get them omnipotent collections to 2 characters or more it impossible. Most of the players like to play with several characters but the number of marks limits us a lot and we end up giving them up. Ordering more than 100 marks per piece is exaggerated.

    With regard to difficulty the raids.

    I hope at least that the elite raid has good difficulty as for example Throne of the dead and Darkside in which it was a total challenge for all players to finish it and get their exploits. Also we had to wait for another DLC ahead to be able to take out some feats. So please more difficulty less farmer find a good balance.
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  3. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    so what happened to large content releases?

    and that style will be worn by next to no one.

    yeah, I think i'll stick with ESO for the time being.
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  4. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    People are never happy with content cycle, don't even bring that up lol.

    Quarterly= People hated it, got changed to monthly.

    Monthly content=People hated it, got changed.

    Yearly Large Content=Same story going on now, people are hating it and it could be changed sometime down the road.
  5. JohnnyDWellens Level 30

    Dude you can't even compare queueing for a duo with running solo content "with a friend." You're being silly and trying to justify. Just stand by your decisions. If there's no duo to queue for then just say "Sorry no duo this time, we're focusing on outside open world content on this one."
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  6. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    No elite alerts?
    Damn. -.-
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  7. The Horn'd One Well-Known Player

  8. SilkyPawz Bunny

    Well your not going to make everyone happy ;)

    I did not like Monthly content you were chasing gear mostly.

    If you look at the content we got monthly first month= duo+raid/elite , 2nd month = solo + alert/elite , 3rd month = duo = 8 player operation, so ok if you take just 2 instances or 2 pieces of content per month x 6 (months) = 12 contents or instances (not including elite content) to now Bi-yearly getting only getting 6 instances/content (not including elite) hmmmmm :rolleyes:
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    You mean the fact I posed it as a question based on the fact there was a question mark and I used the words "dont think".. it wasn't about being correct but thanks for bothering to go through the dlc histories in an effort to prove me wrong when instead you were just answering my question lol ;)

    Thanks mate
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  10. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Just as you are happy about running around somewhere. Not all of us like that, so solo's and duo's, to me, make up for it. If our teleporters worked differently, like being able to go straight there from anywhere. I'd be down. I spend so much time building super charges, I'd rather run a duo or solo to build my super. Plus, it will just be another zone that will turn ghost town eventually.
  11. Spriggsy New Player

    Not that excited. The new styles don't look that great and again another new currency. It would be really nice if things used marks of victory instead of always having to do hours upon hours of playing specific content in order to get gear. If I have 100 marks, I should be able to purchase new gear. I know it is their way of getting people to play new content but it is really annoying.
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  12. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Makes sense though. You have to have mostly open world content. Especially considering the current power imbalance going on right now.
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  13. Spriggsy New Player

    And one quick thing, please stop making npcs/bosses have one hit kills. The players have to be the correct level in order to play the content so why open it to lower end people for a raid or alert if you allow them to die every 5 seconds? It really just causes too much rage quitting and so you end up spending hours trying to do ONE raid because it is too freaking difficult. For example, if the raid says minimum cr 144, then the entire 8 player group should be able to be 144 and NOT get 1 hit ko'd.
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  14. Harliquinn New Player

    Yeah, that would be great...if it actually worked that way and if it did, I wouldn't have personally seen 5 leagues die within a month of open episodes ending. What actually happens is people see a pay wall and decide they will come back when it is free. I know this because people have actually said this to me. At this point, giving away free access to this (and yet more free 164 gear), even if it is limited time, makes anyone who paid for af3 or a sub during this time look stupid. Seriously, my money is going to a an effective 3rd open cr catch up and I am getting...what exactly? No escrow? A few extra slots? While FTP are getting access to content without paying for anything? You could atleast buy the subs dinner beforehand...just saying
  15. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    And since when was I denying the lack of content?
    You're responding to me as If I'm saying "Large DLC content" is the best but I haven't said that once in this thread. I've recognized the lack of content and Hence I'm not subscribed to the game.

    You're welcome.
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  16. KidSuperBoy Well-Known Player

    Super, Super Great! :D

    Main Avatar: Superboyistic 191 CR 192 SP Power Ice DPS/TANK. USPS Meta Hero.League: USPC :Justice League 3001, Future DC Legends, Leader.
    USPC: Future Kal 190CR 240 SP Ice DPS/TANK.
    Alts Include: Guardian El, Guardian Kal, Future Blurr, Kid Superboyistic, Lantern Kal, Kal Starchild, Future Superboyistic,, Clarky Kent, and Super Spaceboy, Quantum Kal, and Superboyistic

  17. light FX Steadfast Player

    I agree. My crystal ball had shown me some of this stuff early :p Gotta give credit to the art team tho. But that elite style is so....idk how to describe it. But i dont wanna say anything negative. Gonna wait and watch the stream.

    Whats interesting is the IL of the vendor gear. Being 175 means all the OP items from the starro event will be replaced as long as CR differential is still in the game. I feel like the 2 pouches, 3 rings, and 2 faces i crafted were a total waste :confused:

    I just used CR calculator and all 175 gear will bring ya to 201.25 CR. All 175 plus the OP items from starro brings ya to 200.59 or in that range. Not a huge deal but we all know with CR differential that 1 CR point does make a difference ;) And of course this doesnt factor in the new OP items from episode 28 either.
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  18. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    I keep coming back and looking at how ugly the gear is...we could have gotten soldier gear!
  19. Beebe New Player

    Lol can we get a rework on those styles? It's literally a bad version of the Guy Gardner chest, an ugly cap, and the rest is just flat out boring and underwhelming.
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  20. Laura Lightning Level 30

    what about water powers?
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