Development Update: Age of Justice!

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, May 18, 2017.

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  1. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    I'm very excited for this.

    More Open World stuff: Fantastic. The Open World stuff always makes me happy - and to have TWO Open World areas is going to be great. Maybe even SUPER GREAT!!! ;)

    The lack of a Duo doesn't bother me. Duos are my least favorite content (unless they can be soloed. Still waiting on that Omniporter.)

    Even though Jay and Kent aren't mentioned in the blurb, I do hope that they are involved somehow. It's just not the JSA without them. I'm also hoping for a few more members to appear as Iconics - both original and modern (Starman and Stargirl, for instance). Of course, the news that The Blackhawks will be involved is quite thrilling and the screenshot of Per Degaton already makes me want to punch him in the face, so if we get no more than what is mentioned, I'll still be okay.

    My only worry is about that 'collection reward' that spawns an extra 'special enemy' in the Elite Raid. Pug life is already pretty painful for a lot of players - I'd hate for this to become yet another thing that causes friction when trying to put a group together.

    Very much looking forward to the Livestream! :D
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  2. Cold Fusion Well-Known Player

    Which makes it useless... Stats matter #powermatters hasn't released.. it all about CR still.

    It was asked and they did say this gear wouldn't render our OP obsolete... I'm disappointed... Time and mats gone for nothing.
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  3. Dwild50 Well-Known Player

    I was born in 1950, 5 years after WW II. I read Blackhawks comic books until the 60's (when some people decided they were too militaristic or some such nonsense. These were the HEROS. I love new content but the outfits alone will be enough to get me into the game. (On a side note, remember when the Michael Keaton Batman movie came out and certain movie critics complained because the leather clad GCPD cops looked too....hmm...what word to use? Think it was N** can fill in the asterisks.)

    Love it. (But MY Lady Blackhawk is going to wear a short skirt and boots, thank you very much. And my male Munitions guy in green modern military gear might have to retrogress.) THANK YOU.
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  4. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    I don't understand. I've seen so many people on the forums and in chats ask for a Blackhawks style.
    Now we are getting one..
    and there's complaining, even though the style is accurate to the comics?
    What is happening here?!
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  5. ShadoRaven Well-Known Player

    I'll respectfully disagree with many on here in that I think content wise this DLC sounds like it will have plenty to do. If every episode (are they still called that?) had the exact same number of duos, alerts, and raids then there would be those that complained about a lack of variety :rolleyes:.

    Where I do agree with most is that this episode's styles are ... putting it nicely ... meh. I love the visuals in the Bombshell raid, and when I heard this content would be centered around 1940s JSA I was really excited. I personally hoped we would have gotten something along the lines of Sandman's coat/hat/mask look or maybe a classic Golden age super hero look. I appreciate the homage to the Blackhawks, but it just comes across as a little plain after the last few great styles (gorgon slayer, fallen god, tactical suit, etc were all awesome styles). I think it would have been better to have the coat or hat as a reward for a collection. The environments do look great though, and I'm looking forward to see how everything looks live.
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  6. vespa neo Active Player

    i rather run an alert than a duo.
    if people don't like so many solos in open world, just group up and you instantly have a duo, alert and a raid/operation. LOL.
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  7. PBCF Active Player

    Sadly from the looks of it , I say this , AS USUAL NO, NO Villain content , yet AGAIN we Villains don't get to be Villains , no we have to help the Heroes :( , always showing favoritism towards the Heroes.
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  8. Dr Nastiobous Well-Known Player

    My thoughts for what it's worth , a dou to go along with the rest of the content would of been the icing on the cake, the thing that concerns me the most is how difficult will this content be, AF3 is a joke now, it has to be harder the the 185 Event raid anything less is way to easy, Oly is comparable with UM now, see my point and lastly f2p deserve hardly nothing, finding $15 is not that hard.
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  9. Cyberpunk2077 Well-Known Player

    War-torn Village looks nice.
    Even multiple solos and duos wouldn't keep players busy for more than a month, and that was when they would get released every three months, and now we get 'open world missions' after double that time that is supposed to keep people engaged for next six months? I would understand if there was an additional raid or alert but even that's not the case.
    And gear style is just disappointing, I guess it was too much to expect better crafted style set in a dlc, when there are capsules releasing more frequently than contents.
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  10. Johnny DCUO Well-Known Player

    DCUO is an MMO. And I love to play with as many peeps as I can. <3
    So love the alerts and raids.. :D
    But... I'd rather you have us waiting another month, and did the stats matter revamp first. :p
    The styles are ok. We also need some simple styles for the big styles to be great. ^^
    Looking forward to the live-stream. ;)
    Cya tomorrow Meppsmeistro. :)
  11. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Ewww these stylessss i was thinking its jsa so we would get some sandman or something! What iss thissss
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  12. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    I'm pretty sure in a recent Discord Ask DCUO Mepps said there would be Episode 29 this year as well.

    Not sure if still the case but something to think about. I'd like to hope we won't have such a break between episodes again (even though Stats Revamp is a necessary and understandable priority).
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  13. UltraVillain Committed Player

    The sad thing is that every story has at least two sides...yet they don't even pay lip service to the theme when they just blatantly merge one into the other (it would be just as bad to have heroes do Villain work)... it undermines the theme it undermines the potential and it undermines the replayability of everything that they do :(

    Not everyone is an altoholic I have no interest in rolling a hero, I have no interest in helping the JSA to anything other than an early grave so not only is there nothing here for me, what there is pretty much undermines any reason i can think of to even show up. :(
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  14. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Yeah, there better be another episode this year. There's still another 7 months left! My guess is that we'll see another Major Event in September and then the next Episode in November. Hopefully this Episode can keep us busy till September.
  15. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    should always be 2 of each instance type(2 solo, duo, alerts, raids) then 2 bounties and open world missions. Then add elite versions to alerts and raids.
  16. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    Will we again have gear and other stuff COST OF ITS CURRENCY like we had with Amazon Fury 3?
  17. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    The gear looks like some stuff we shoulf have started with on braniacs ship
  18. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    I know it was Quarterly content. But Proxy said it like this.

    Quarterly content was 3 months, and as you stated the content I aforementioned was Quarterly. So I'm correct.
  19. Ascended Well-Known Player

    I gotta say, overall this looks pretty good.

    I really enjoy open world stuff, so having two areas is a great thing. The lack of a duo is a little sad, but there seems to be plenty of stuff here anyway. I mean, the hardcore players will have it all finished and be bored within a month, but what can you do? Those guys just need to slow down. :)

    The Blackhawks style.....okay, I love me some Blackhawks but of all the Golden Age characters out there for new styles to be based on, I was hoping for something with a little more pizzazz. So I'm hoping the collections give us something work with.

    And I gotta say, I really like the idea of a short-term "open invitation" to the content for the F2P and slower progression crowd (I often fall into that category, myself). Someone in a post above said that F2P deserve nothing, and I somewhat agree with that, but at the same time if you want those F2P people to step up and start paying, you gotta show them what they're missing and give them an incentive beyond cool stuff that seems far out of their reach. Let them have a taste, then take it away and make them pay for their next fix. :) Works for drug dealers, should work for DCUO.

    And someone was complaining about the lack of villain focused content. I agree that it'd be nice to see something villain focused for a change, and maybe the devs should consider it for next time, but does the game have an incentive to do that? I mean, villain side isn't exactly highly populated these days, so what's the business reasoning for a villain-centric content dump? I'd like to see it (I mostly play heroes but I love my villains too!) but is there a revenue-generating reason for the devs to bother? Im not sure there is.
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  20. SilkyPawz Bunny

    No no no no no no I am correct ...pfffttt I win :p

    BTW people were bored by month 3 or 4 of AF3. Personally for the membership $ this isn't enough content for 6 months or to keep people busy for that long, but wait we will get a major clamped event for everyone lol (sarcasm) :rolleyes::rolleyes:

    I think everyone is entitled to their opinion, the styles are meh, for the amount of time we had to wait for DLC an the recycled area 51 .. la la la la la ( blinks innocently) :D
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