Developers please consider this in a maximum way! Healers need to pick up faster than other roles.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Atzec-Rasta, Jul 22, 2017.

  1. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    That's the beauty of it, it's a trinket that can only be activated when your knocked out. Have you never played WoW?
  2. Theblackcat456 Committed Player

    Devs increase pickup speed for healers by 1sec
    Someone goes down and doesn't get picked up.
    Healer: I was busy healing why didn't anyone pick up?
    5 dps: wtf you should have picked him up you can pickup faster than dps.
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  3. krytine Loyal Player

    I play both actually and i dont see the reason why one class would do something faster then another. It would be an unfair advantage. Now if you wanted all pickups to be fast i could go with that but not just one class
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  4. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Tried it a number of years ago, got sick of the Crayola scheme and went back to a real fantasy MMO
  5. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    While I understand some dps are bad at pickups, the trolls are the only ones with powers to assist in doing so. In my eyes, and when I troll, it's the troll first then the dps. Each troll power has a break out, access to shields, etc.

    To the OP, that's not needed. I also wouldn't wish that on off roles. It would start to be expected of roles, which we don't need. Except trolls. :)
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  6. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Here's the thing though, healers can put shields on the group, and under current cr-is-king rules, power should not be an a troll can drop his super charge shield and someone else can assist with the pick-up (particularly is the other player/DPS is closer). Last but not least, it's called Personal Dampening Shields...consumables you can make that can give you that nice shield to do pick ups instead of expecting the troll to be the one doing it. Oh sorry...DPS can only carry things that do damage in their Utility Belts (I don't mean this towards you exactly...just making a general rhetorical question)???o_O
  7. krytine Loyal Player

    Not sure if i agree with you that it's a trolls job to pick up. Now if there are 2 of a role one can stop doing their job long enough to do a pick up sure but if you have 4 or 5 dps in a run they need to look at the guys to the left and right of them and pick them up
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  8. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    It's true. I wouldn't carry those either, but I also don't think it's the dps first to pick up. I can troll and keep power going with the easy mode super charges each power has while picking up. I'm not saying a dps.shouodnt try, but I'm not killing myself when trolls have two options to help them pick people up.
  9. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Before the revamp hits, which means nothing anymore. Trolling was the easiest role. After revamp, should still be the same. Like i said above, I'm not killing myself to pick someone up when trolls have tools to help do so. I would prefer we go back to the old set up of two trolls so there is no question. Back in the day, both trolls would stand behind the group and take care of pick ups. Since there are almost ZERO instances where a troll is needed for mechanics, I'm not sure what else they are doing besides watching for pick ups.
  10. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    breakout/detaunt/shield can also work in dps role right? kinda remember back then pre-WM/AM era, always putting breakouts/shields in my dps loadout for these circumstances. coz the thing about pickups/pressing switches, u have to at least have some kind of protection. any kind of damage. even if its only 1 damage will interrupt the pickup process right? (i assume this is why OP made the request). so, tho most of the time the shield's duration or its damage absorption is not enough to make us fully safe from interruption during the pickup process, it can at least gives us enough time for our teammates to do something about it while we are reviving. i mean if i was dpsing and the tank somehow dies, or someone dies in a no-tank alert while being swarmed by enemies, i won't pick him up if i don't have my shield ready or if no one put on a group shield. i would be just giving my life away and there will be 2 idiots dead in the middle of enemies instead only one xD.

    one of the reason i loathe this AM era. many "optimum" loadout/rotation don't have a place for a shield. sometimes the pp not even enough to purchase it from the power tree. and the ones that has it use it for damage shortcut. hopefully with the stats revamp, removal of AM and how power tree work, it will encourage dps to have an utility power in their loadout.

    im just saying that tho dps who won't stop their rotation no matter what happen shouldn't have a place in this game, but a dps who immediately stops his rotation and blindly goes to a downed teammates without any preparation will hurt the team just as bad, maybe worse.

    as for the request, if u have trouble reviving, the request should be just to make it faster for anyone, coz reviving is not just the healer's job. but that will just make the game easier than it already are. so IMHO there is no need for such request..
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  11. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Turn an idea into a dps bashing thread.
  12. BumblingB I got better.

    Wait, so are you asking for DPS to NOT pickup?
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  13. Atzec-Rasta Level 30

    We just need more simple options which is made possible by simple and logical programming from programmers, a resource currently available and will be great for GU73. (If you get it, you were meant to get it if you don't, don't sweat it!)

  14. BumblingB I got better.

    I got what you said, you want DPS to not do pickups by giving support roles a faster pickup.

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  15. OhSicks Well-Known Player

    Didn't read through the whole thread, just the first page and a half, so if I restate something I apologize.

    I agree with the "it's everyone's job to pickup" sentiment.

    Two things I would like to see changed are a slightly longer window on pickup, because I'd like to be able to run over to the downed toon and physically pick it up and move it somewhere safe to do the pickup. I hate doing a pickup and dying because I had to do it in a very inconvenient spot (i.e. next to the tank and boss) or being picked up, but not able to stand up because the boss is sitting on me.
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  16. Atzec-Rasta Level 30

    The option of everyone picking up should not be eliminated. We just need more varied options to mix it up and perhaps balance a little better. They may even introduce much harder content (as an idea) and then we may use these varied options in our strategy, for example.
  17. Prosser Dedicated Player

    Uggg I haven't played in over a year and just hopped on the forums to check how things were and I saw this thread..... Can't believe this is still an issue after all this time. One of the reasons I moved away from support roles was the way garbage dps treated them.

    Well good to see at least there is still people who feel the same as me about ****** dps :)
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  18. OhSicks Well-Known Player

    I hope you didn't misunderstand my post. I believe that whoever is able should do pickups, the exception is that I feel the tank and the healer are probably less likely to be able to do so. A drop usually increases their work load.
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  19. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    You can't create balance by giving one role an advantage over others. If Healers can pick up faster than other roles, that puts the onus of pick ups on healers and takes away responsibility from DPS, who are way more plentiful in raids. And if they introduce harder content were healers are more suitable for pick-ups then raids will be doomed to fail...because no matter what the Devs throw at us, people still insist on DPS healers will stop doing their primary job so they can pick a room full of DPSes??? Logic is sorely missing from your suggestion. There's no balance or variety with your idea, only responsibility shifting and chaos.
  20. Atzec-Rasta Level 30

    The future is a mystery. Some may not notice this difference. Programmers should maximize their programming and put in as much options so the appeal is greater. Please ponder for a second before responding by impulse.


    Remember what happens when you assume... for what millions of others may or may not do.