Demonless feat glitch

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Pr0tojay, Jan 24, 2016.

  1. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Some people cant even see the blood when it spawns so how exactly are we supposed to get this feat?
  2. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Get players who play on PC or PS4 with good internet speed.
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  3. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Question. Were u on usps. If yes did you have ps3 users
  4. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Im aware its mainly ps3 users that cant see it. I have seen some ps4 users have the same problem though, just not as much.
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  5. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Its probably just connection speed. I can give u a tip to get the feat that helps. If you stand where the blood previous spawned it should be easy to get the feat
  6. Avian Dedicated Player

    This is a problem for PC as well though, some of my league mates with good internet speed have this problem in as well.
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  7. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

  8. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    The effects fade option can make the pools disappear. The fade should be on minimum.
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  9. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Communication wont help that much if you cant see the blood. Its a big space, and that 1 second that u have to wait for someone to call out where it is instead of just being able to roll out can spawn 1 demon and ruin the feat.
  10. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Its not the connection speed, i have friends with good connection and on ps4 and they cant see the blood half the time. Standing where the blood last spawned does help, but its usually the first pool of blood that spawns that people cant see. Sometimes the blood doesnt show randomly for others, but its usually the first pool of blood.
  11. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Its connection speed. I am on PS4 and I see the blood everytime it spawns. Now if the group is standing on the steps sometimes it can be hard to see due to all the animations going out but if everyone is spread out its as clear as day. Also there is a 3 second delay from when it first spawns because it is light red when it spawns in and then turns dark red with bubbles when its finally there.

    Gamma settings and other visual setting effect this as well. If you have on the outline, it will always show up if you are standing in 1 too.
  12. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Idk then. I'm just offering helpful suggestions.
  13. Great Spirit Devoted Player

    Feet your feat meat that you can't beat unless you eat your treat
  14. Avian Dedicated Player

    This isn't it. Certain rhings will just not show up for some players. I don't know the exact explanation but it has something to do with the server. AoEs on the ground in fx. UM and SM or those black hole things in BP just dom't show up. Another thing I noticed is in BN first boss room. There are huge container like things in the room that don't break and they also break line of sight. The thing is they aren't visible for everyone. People who can't see them can run right through them as if they don't exist. Some runs I can see them, others I can't. I believe this is a known issue.
  15. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    ok, boxes which some can see and collide with and other can't see and walk through? That reminds me of the bug we once had in the Moonbase PvP arena with the doors.
    Did the players who can't see the enter the area earlier/ later than the ones who can see them?
  16. Ichiro Loyal Player

    This glitched can be worked around. Here is how we compensated for that. The player that can see the blood calls out the location. All players stand together away from the blood. When blood disappears all players move to that location. not full proof as sometimes the blood will spawn in the same location twice in a row but most times it does not and we got the feat doing it this way. Three player in my group said could not see the blood. The players that can't see the blood then just have to make sure they are close enough to the other players to not be standing in it. Hopefully you have more than one player on the team that can see the blood.

    If you get a demon just wipe and try again. Took us a few tries to get it right.
  17. Zpred Dedicated Player

    My friend had this, try deleting your cache settings, not the game, and then try again it fixed it for him (ps4), it's in application saved data, don't worry nothing will be lost apart from your chat settings in which you will have to set up again.

    It worked for him.
  18. Proxystar #Perception

    I don't often stand in the blood pool, but when I do its when people ask for this feat.
  19. Avian Dedicated Player

    No, we were all inside the room when the boss fight started.