Deluge aura dropped in a raid and didn't show up in inventory

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Gambitsgame, Jun 14, 2018.

  1. Gambitsgame New Player

    I got the urchin aura from TTBE and it didn't show up in my inventory when it dropped.
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    It doesn't drop in the raid. You have to buy it from the vendor.
  3. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    According to the announcement, it's also supposed to drop from End Bosses.

    So, to the OP: if you saw it drop or saw it in your loot tab and didn't get it, I'd say you should file a ticket and notify Mepps.
  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

  5. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    I did SSr about 30 minute ago, and got the Urchin aura. After teleporting to Deluge area open world, it was no longer in my inventory, it wasnt deleted, nor collected. It just disappears
  6. Lodestone Active Player

    Same here, i ran the Spindrift event with my alt yesterday, got the Urchin aura in my loot table but after it didnt show up in my inventory.
  7. p3rf3ctxxxdark Well-Known Player

    Same just happened to me 5 min ago i saved the the video clip got a rainbow aura then it was gone
  8. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Good. I wish I would have saved my video clip, but I didnt know that it would disappear. I would suggest posting it here so Mepps can see that it is a bug
  9. kryptoniteman Level 30

    I got the white solar aura drop, didn't show in inventory
  10. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    If you have received an aura as dropped loot, and then it wasn't in your inventory, please post or PM me your character name.

    Edit: No longer needed. We have tracked down the issue and will fix it and player missing auras.
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  11. Kontosouvlis11 New Player

    Happened to me just now , Spindrift station , rainbow current aura pops in loot but never makes it into the inventory. I hope we ll get em soon. It reminded me though about a deluged treasure box that might have had the same fate yesterday. I hastily assumed it to be opened and forgotten but now i am second guessing myself .
  12. loganbach New Player

    This just happened to me in Spindrift on Bachander
  13. p3rf3ctxxxdark Well-Known Player

    Curious george
  14. Ultimate Thor Active Player

    When did this fix go in and when do we receive the items again or in the styles tab ? As I have gotten neither of the two auras I was to receive from the boss fights.

    Ultimate American
    TTBE - White Solar Aura
    TTBE - Rainbow Current Aura
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  15. Kontosouvlis11 New Player

    still waitin.. i am on EU , Kontosouvlis
    SSn -Final Boss => rainbow current aura
  16. SteelSD Level 30

    Same thing happened to one of my toons late last week. Finished a duo final boss, saw the Current Rainbow Aura in the loot list at the end, but received nothing in my inventory. Didn't submit a ticket as Mepps stated above that players would receive their missing auras. As of this morning, I've received nothing.

    Character Name: Flashbeam
    Server: PC North American
  17. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    Same here i got a White Solar Aura after defeating last boss in Spindrift Station but it never appeared in my inventory.
  18. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    If this happened to you, you should find the aura in your inventory after today's downtime.
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  19. CraccaGeneral Active Player

    Nope, it didn't show. I am guessing I should put in a ticket for it?
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  20. MiLady Well-Known Player

    I saw the Rainbow aura in the loot window after finishing Spindrift regular a few days ago. However, only today is when it showed up. Thank you.