Deathstroke in iconic anomaly

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Minecrawler, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. Minecrawler New Player

    Who wants this to happen? Or maybe as a legend? Lets see how many votes we can get.
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  2. Poo New Player

    That's gotta be one of the most requested Legends. They will do it eventually, but are probably waiting for the right time. Whether they put him in a DLC or on the Market, it's gonna be a big sell.
  3. Coup_dEtat Level 30

    I am in support of this and all things Deathstroke related.
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  4. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I look at it like this anytime is the right time to add Deathstroke to legends as for the iconic anomaly the idea I hate them like the plague and avoid them at all cost so I wouldn't just want him in there .
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  5. DCFanatical Dedicated Player

    I am in the "No more Iconic Anomalies. EVER." Group. So that would be a no for Deathstroke anomalies.

    As far as Legends go, I am all for anyone getting their favorite character in Legends. Yes, even Ambush Bug, if enough people REALLY want him. So sure, I will support Deathstroke as a Legends character.
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  6. EzioNight New Player

    Death stoke is just plain awesome!
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  7. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I could see Deathstroke using two different weapons like Joker maybe one handed and rifle .
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  8. LL New Player

    I do not like iconic anomalies so no I don't want to see Deathstroke in them.
  9. Minecrawler New Player

    Why do you guys hate anomalies? Personally I thought they were a refreshing change from previous solo contents. Besides who wouldnt want to see Deathstroke carrying out a contract? I wanna know what happens to the Riddler if I am not there to save him ;)
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  10. LL New Player

    I play the game to play my char.

    Legends is fun, and is where playing iconics should of stayed.
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  11. Blight KOBRA Commander

    Deathstroke is probably one of the few iconics I'd like to play as in an Anomaly instance, so yes, even though I hate the Iconic Anomalies because they're so poorly done I'd be open to one starring Deathstroke.
  12. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I've played since beta and I've been legendary since day one and to me it's more fun to fight the villains then to play as them on that same note there are dozens of games were you can play as Batman, Superman and all the other DC heroes and villains but this is the only one were you can play as your own characters working with them or against them and I would like to keep it that way .
  13. Im Charlie New Player

    i thought iconic anomalies were pretty cool, but huntress and bizzaro aren't as popular as death stroke. if there was both a death stroke iconic anomaly and legends toon id buy/play with it.

    (in other words make popular characters iconic anomalies, not 2nd class characters please)
  14. Minecrawler New Player

    Im not sure how you playing since beta and being legendary is relevant...anyway I doubt one or two iconic anomalies will change the basic game-play system of the whole game so I wouldnt worry about that :)
  15. Derio 15000 Post Club

  16. Minecrawler New Player

    you do realize you are contradicting yourself? Anomalies are simulations, so you are not playing the iconic, you are playing your own character. Whereas in legends you are actually playing as the iconic.
  17. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    I loved the anomalies. But I would ecstatic if we could get a Deathstroke anomaly.
  18. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Deathstroke has been requested more times then I can count.

    Id stay up all night and be the first person in virtual line to buy him if they ever announced he was coming to legends...No reason he shouldnt be in the game right now, theyd make a killing off of him
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  19. JonnyD New Player

    Here is my off the wall prediction: Deathstroke will be the first legend to exhibit Weapon-Mastery like combat (with predetermined weapon combos, of course). Then later down the road, deathstroke will be introduced as an iconic anomaly. 100% crit on yo face, son.

    I agree with this. I actually look forward to playing Circe's anomaly for one.
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  20. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    I'm a major supporter for Deathstroke but for him to be done right he has to have the ability to switch from 1-Handed to Rifle. ie: Power #6 should be the Rifle Emblem which will switch him to that weapon just like Huntress and Joker can switch between weapons.