Dear Devs..

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BipolarDiva, May 12, 2016.

  1. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Only thing I'm going to say is I hope the stat adjustments bring the game somewhat back to the older days when content had longevity. I'm not saying make everything hard or stat clamp it all, but HH is now soloable at 164 cr.... it just came out a year ago and is still considered T7. I mean c ' mom now! You should not be able to solo a raid in the same tier that you're currently in.
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  2. KlausKilowatt Committed Player

    Lol, y'all ever heard the saying that "The squeakiest wheel gets the grease"? Well those PvP'ers sure do seem to squeak like no other on here. In fact I would venture to say that they are the squeakiest squeakers who ever did squeak ;)
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  3. KlausKilowatt Committed Player

    Trust me when I say that I am 1000% in favor of the addition of a "Queue With Current Group" option added to the on duty tab. This option would allow you to queue into instances with groups smaller then the max allowable size and possibly alleviate some of the "high cr players are ruining my life" complaints. On top of that another nice addition would be a toggle option that could either be set to open to search for all eligible CR levels, or limited that would only search for members within the selected instances CR tier.
    However until that change is implemented I would recommend for any players who want the full experience of running content with a group at tier to quit complaining and SET UP YOUR OWN GROUPS. When you random queue for an instance you get what you get and really can't complain. But that's just my 2c worth :)
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  4. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

  5. Magnificent Loyal Player

    At least three walk-in threads on the front page... I hope someone is working on this option.
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  6. mexmex Dedicated Player

    Yes you might be right, but in GU we didnt have a walk in with no clamping option that might be the one thing that makes the differences, a lot of people would love to have those walk ins to all instances, that they would not care less for clamped queues, Its tricky but something should change soon people keeps dropping legendary both vets and news.
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  7. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    My brother is on XBox and his exact words...

    This game has no challenge, PERIOD. He got to T2 and thought even the radis with basically a full group of the same tier was to easy and quit the game. Sad really that at tier content is easy. Let me state this gain, it is sad that content at tier is easy.

    When I leveled up my Villain back in September he was 105 and the highest in my HoH run was 116. We beat HoH in under 20 minutes with no wipes. Me as one of the lowest CR players in the run was the top DPS. Sad that I achieved that and even earned the No Hand and No Feet feat at CR 105. Sad that HoH was barely over 6 months old and we blew right through it. Sad that I know at 105 when HoH came out I would not even consider running it, yet at 105 I could and did really well, even with CR differential.

    My point is and has been for quite some time is that this game challenge has been on diminishing due to higher damage out we do with our toons. Each damage update we get MORE damage out. Meaning a full T1 group in item level gear 40 or higher could steam roll khandaq if you know what you are doing because we as players are doing probably 50-100% more damage than when I started the game. I remember those Khanaq runs where Black Adam would wipe the group, even 70 CR players had issues. Not any more, this game has gone full circle from being too tough at time, to become a cake walk. The reason for this, is the major updates to our damage potential and there is still more to come.

    It is why when the devs were doing the damage pass, I asked for LESS and LESS and LESS, but everyone wanted damage brought UP to the top power and those players got what they asked for with damage out. Now the game is pathetic even at tier at the lower levels, because we all can do 50-100% more damage without much effort. Sad really.

    I blame the players that wanted power to balanced up wards to Quantum level. I asked that the devs bring powers down to the level of Light but that was ignored and now the game is to easy.

    Clamping will not change how easy the game is, it may force some mechanics on us, but even with that, we still can PHEW PHEW PHEW our way to victory.
  8. Backseid Devoted Player

    There's a major flaw in the ol "firm your own group" saying.

    Most people are not comfortable with that option.

    Forming a group assumes leadership. If someone doesn't know the instance, is new, or any other millions of reasons to be uncomfortable with that position, they aren't going to do that.

    Pugging, and the Q system, should be a top priority in this game. Yet, as we all know, its one of the most broken aspects.

    Flat out, the mixture of high n low CRs should ONLY happen on purpose.
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  9. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Well anything Pre T6 will be easy to any player. This is because of :
    Roleless buffs
    Increased damage to normal attacks
    Support role am damage
    The removal of damage reduction for tanks a healers

    There are probably a few things I missed but that small list is enough. Because when t2 and 3 content released, none of what I stated was here. Thus they were difficult.

    If you remember the original arkham asylum alert it was the definition of 4 man content
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  10. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    You do not even need to go that far back. Most of what you stated was here when I started in November 2013. Most of these fixes came during 2014-2015 and each time a tier ends, it is adjusted to be easier to allow for quicker leveling up. It was why at 105 I could DPS in HoH and do well.
  11. KlausKilowatt Committed Player

    I would blame the constant QQing about every single instance that comes out being "too hard" before the effort to balance power damage output. This game has been catering to the lowest comon denominator for some time now and it shows. This game is a watered down joke compared to what it was a couple years ago.
    The only real way to fix this is to stop the non stop nerfing of content just because a select few find it difficult. Take the recent changes made to the Brainiacs Ship "tutorial?" for example. On top of them making it one level because apparently flying/running/climbing up ten feet was totally incomprehensible to some, they got rid of the mechanics of the lunger/blocker bots... For cryin out loud if they'd dumbed down the "tutorial" just a smidgeon more it'd be a 2D side scroller.

    Long story short this and many of the problems in society today stem from participation trophies...
    But that is a rant for another day ;)
  12. Derio 15000 Post Club

    True however I did need to go back that far to justify the early alerts and raids.
  13. Backseid Devoted Player

    I don't agree with blaming the players.

    Well before WM, AM's, GU47, Monthly Content, etc. WE, the players, told the Devs IN DETAIL, why none of those things were going to work out well. In fact, WE, the players, gave plenty of alternate options to "fix" issues (though one can argue that there indeed were no issues).

    Also, I've been around, daily, since the old boards. Aside from OC, there's barely been ANY QQ about content difficulty. A thread here n there, yeah, but no where near enough to have swayed the Devs towards making adjustments. (Though there have been a few obvious needed adjustments).

    Another major issue, now a days, is that the ONLY content we have had for a looong time, is Raids. Not everyone is up to snuff for top end Raid play. This is where the complete lack of other content, thus othercways to progress, becomes an issue.

    Making this game great is a clear and easy path. Why we stumble through the brush, on purpose, is beyond my understanding... But its not at all the players faults!

    Edit: this is a story for TODAY :D

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  14. KlausKilowatt Committed Player

    I agree without a doubt that something needs to be done with the queue system, and some really good options have been mentioned. However for those people who are not "comfortable" forming their own groups, they need to get over it real ricky ticky for their own benefit. They have been given an option to utilize (albeit a band aid), if they choose not to use that option that is on them and them alone.

    I mean jiminey jilickers that's as silly as me giving you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich along with a knife and you complaining that there is crust on it...or peeing int othe wind and complaining that your shoes are getting wet.

    I'm sorry bud that bucket just doesn't hold any water for me.
  15. Backseid Devoted Player

    As fun as that was to read, lol, its quite ignorant (sorry, that's too strong a word, but I couldn't think of a better one).
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  16. KlausKilowatt Committed Player

    Well I'm glad that you had fun with it. However I fail to see the ignorance in it. But yeah we can go around calling people that we do not agree with ignorant...cause that makes sense. It doesn't change the fact that people have the ability to set up groups of their own, choosing not to do so no matter what the reason is THEIR CHOICE. But yeah we can go around blaming others for our own choices.

    I'm not gonna argue about it or debate with you, I'll just agree to disagree and move on without calling you or your opinion "ignorant".
    Good luck with those wet shoes, best wishes.
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  17. HarleyBiker142 Well-Known Player

  18. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I can form a group of my own if I want a challenge, but unless I do so with friends, it's going to take a very long time to do so. I couldn't even find one person at tier to run a tier 1 alert after 45 minutes of searching.
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  19. MacFuego Active Player

    Really though what does it matter if players skip content, is it going to make you a bad player? of course not, if your a good player, you'll be in a good league or have people that look you up to play and complete content with because they know you can get it done.

    Personally I think the devs are going to do what it takes to make the game sustainable, if that means a ton of bad players who spend money on the game its all fine, its their lively hood, their careers. I enjoy the game, been here since March of 2011, for me its just something to escape into, forget about rl for a few hours.
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  20. KlausKilowatt Committed Player

    I feel for ya there, that is the unfortunate downside to it. Blind queing low tier content can sometimes take quite a while, trying to put together a group for it via lfg even longer, and if you're only looking for a certain cr level I imagine it'd be nearly impossible.

    I honestly don't know what the real solution to this problem is. Anytime you start putting restrictions on an already limited supply you are going to create a serious shortage.

    Maybe if there was some way to incentivise running lower tier content at level it would help but idk? I know that I have brought it up a couple times in the past but the only real way that immediately comes to mind for me is to make relevancy windows based on equipped cr instead of overall...but I'm afraid that idea will go over like a wet fart in church.

    It may be a silly idea and only a temporary band aid of a fix but what if folks who enjoy running content at tier were to form a league or a custom chat channel? At least this might give you a pool of like minded individuals to draw from in the mean time.

    Idk though, that's just my take on it.
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