Dear Devs..

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BipolarDiva, May 12, 2016.

  1. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Xbox1 has one if not two or more players at 150+. But most have under 100 SP.
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  2. Backseid Devoted Player

    I really big issue is that any gear, that's even one point lower than max, is completely useless.

    In most other games, you can at least do SOMETHING with older content drops.

    This is what the salvaging/crafting system could have helped with. But unfortunately, another major opportunity lost...
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  3. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    Instant gratification is cool, to an extent.

    After a while, things start to become unfulfilling due to there being lots of stats but absolutely no difficulty.

    I don't mean make the game brain-bleedingly hard but at least challenge us enough to where we feel the need to log in and strengthen our characters.
    The necessity to improve our gear isn't just to finish content (save for SM), it's for the instant gratification.
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  4. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Instead of Stat clamping for On Duty Ques They should group Players with Players of the same Tier Level Cr ( T4 CRs with T4, T6 with T6 etc etc) that way there would never be a High CR in the group.

    Walkins should have limitations on the CRs allowed in a group so there are no Carries and any Players at end game Tier CR should be able to Solo walkin any content lower than current end game Tier( current end game Tier T7 so any lower Tiers allow Solo walkin).

    Doubt any of it happens though.
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  5. Kuno Loyal Player

    Stat clamping will give the final strike to the already very damaged game.
    OP is asking for walk-ins not stat clamping. SMH!
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  6. Van_Gho Committed Player

    As someone who despises raids, they only became tolerable to me recently , because they're over so quickly.

    No time for jerks to complain about every little thing, Bonus points for now being able to get in and stay in as an electric dps :)
  7. Rigel Cygni Well-Known Player

    While leveling my lower toon in ngn this high cr guy basically skipped the adds and went straight for the bosses, needles to say the rest of the group didn't get loot from the final boss. gg
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  8. MacFuego Active Player

    Portals would be the best fix, I would love to see for all T5 and t6 contnet. Maybe leave T7 alone until t9 comes out. Or make them solo or duo available if you hit a certain cr.

    I think the reason they don't do anything is because let's face it there are a ton of people playing end game content.
  9. Raeket Level 30

    Add an option for a stat clamped queue and im sure you will sit in that queue for hours without anything happening since its obvious only a small portion of the game wants to spend more time than necessary in raids/alerts. You can also make your own raid with a max cr requirement instead of minimum cr.
  10. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Just tried to do um at tier.
    Was kicked by 4 160+ guys after the tank wiped and we all died...
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  11. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    I actually use the crafting system, I wish I would have started when the cycle began this time, but the only thing that i won't craft this cycle will be the chest due to the newest episode coming and the change in the type of scraps needed. But otherwise I see it as viable, if not a bit costly.
  12. Backseid Devoted Player

    You're one of very, very few.

    The system, as is, would be better off if taken out or disabled. It cases far more angst than anything. Its basically an insult.

    What's even worse, is they still haven't adjusted it. Things like this just keep being let go. No good.
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  13. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    You'll have to prove that one. I spent 45 minutes just trying to get one player for a tier 1 alert when I gave specific CR requirements. Lower content is difficult to find people in general, let alone when we place further restrictions on who can join.
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  14. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Here we go guys,again :).
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  15. Raeket Level 30

    Thats the thing though, majority of the low cr people dont have any problem with being carried and actually prefer it so there is no reason for them to "struggle" in content untill they reached the current top tier. So people saying that people quit cause high cr people steamroll old content are dead wrong, i would say its much more likely they continue playing that way, than 20minutes per alert for minimal gain in low cr content.

    Edit: 20min might actually be generous since its possible to wipe in all content if ts your first time and cant outgear it.
  16. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I think the mystery of whether this causes many players to leave or not will rank up there with how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop. I imagine it does cause some to leave, though. I'm sure you're right for the first few instances players encounter, but if no instance is a struggle, it makes the game look boringly easy. There's only so much of that even a casual player can take.
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  17. Gimpy Loyal Player

    I just had to share this with ya,
  18. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    No clamping! Burn it down if there's anymore of it !!
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  19. BigAl Devoted Player

    Link in my sig for anyone that hasn't been there.
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  20. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Which basically supports my post. Even those who did experiments cannot agree on how many it really takes, similar to how no one can agree on whether stat clamping, walk-ins, etc. would help this game retain players through producing more of a challenge.