Deadly Katana Time Capsule Preview

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ObsidianChill, May 30, 2024.

  1. ObsidianChill Creator League, Community "Trusted"


    Everything shown except for the Captured Souls Material

    • Like x 6
  2. DuffleBagBoii Well-Known Player

    Dope, ill deff be grabbing the s squad emblem, the mask and that katana.. wish they woulda left the sunflowers off the gloves/shoes,, but i guess thats her style so u cant blame them… maybe once u apply the black neon maybe you cant see it

    Great to finally get a katana in game… still wishing they would release the ninja set from the og trailers

    Thanks for showcase
  3. Raizen Reaper Active Player

    When does it launch?
  4. ObsidianChill Creator League, Community "Trusted"

    For the NA servers in about an hour from now
  5. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    Cool, I have been doing the stabilizer instances and have a bunch to use
  6. Korlick Loyal Player

    This is probably one of the coolest TC ever.
  7. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    If there's any exploit about this tc, let us know lol
  8. ObsidianChill Creator League, Community "Trusted"

    Will do its my job :p
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  9. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    First off, thanks for the video, it was quite the comprehensive one.

    Secondly, the items in this TC look great. I remain impressed with what they've done with skins (two fantastic tattoo skins in a row), the gear is well done and true to the character and the emblems are solid.

    And yet, I think this might be a first because there isn't anything that's making me say "I gotta get that" for any of my active characters. None of them are themed along the lines of characters like Katana or ninjas, so none of the gear or emblems are must-haves. I don't have any characters where the tattoo skins fit their concept or would even show (plenty of full-coverage outfits), and the accessory would probably only be broken out around Halloween. The material might be something I'd look at, but I would want to see how it looks before I decided to pursue it.

    All in all, it's a great TC and more great work by the devs. But for me personally, it's a very rare swing-and-a-miss TC. Usually I can find at least one thing I want to pursue, but until I see what the material looks like and make a decision based on that I don't see myself opening any.
  10. Furious Vee Well-Known Player

    I really like the style, but they missed an opportunity not adding any masks or kimonos. That easily would have made this the best TC ever.
  11. BathroomPapi Active Player

    The fact that people are excited about this and the gameplay is at it worst state in years is mind blowing.
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  12. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Is it possible to add a few feats to this TC? opened 5 the lags stopped bothering me, opened 10 the animation stopped being delayed, opened 15 an old bug got a hotfix, opened 20 a new bug got a hotfix... opened 50 the developers began to communicate more often with the community... well, I liked the styles themselves, if anything.. .
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  13. kallader Committed Player

    Me and my bad luck open 23 capsule got shoulder 16 times
  14. Multiverse Creator League

    You got worse luck then I did.
    At least I got 1 Legendary collection. :)

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  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yawn. More TCs.

    How's that lag going?
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  16. FaithfulJudgeDC Level 30

    The great and glorious Mr radiant obsidian comes riding in on his horse bringing us the goods. I thank you for efforts my dear child keep up the good work.
  17. Proxystar #Perception

    Thanks for the video Multiverse, keep up the good work!
    • Like x 1
  18. Wiccan028 Well-Known Player

    I managed to finish a collection (and now almost broke on my main) but haven't received the hair.

    I know the super boy hair stopped being mailed and I am unsure if this is a bug, server delay or if I should send in a ticket)

    Or I could you know hop on the ps5 version for a second.. that could activate my mail lol.
  19. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    Uh Chill, why is your name pink? WERE YOU YASSIFIED?!
  20. Pingvinozavr Dedicated Player

    You have probably already gotten it by now, but you can force the game to mail you those waiting rewards by buying anything from the broker.