DCUO's 2017 Review

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Vagrant, Jan 2, 2018.

  1. Vagrant Committed Player

    Hey ladies and gentleman I come to you today with my short review of the content introduced in 2017.

    I'm curious to see how the players of DC thought that 2017 went. Comment on this thread or on the video itself to spark conversation and of course what do players want to see in 2018!

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  2. Multiverse Creator League

    Took a quick look back at 2017 myself. ;) ;)
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  3. Batmatt Active Player

    2017 was by far the least I have played dc since I started in 2012. Some changes good, some bad but all my friends left and I'm bad at making new ones.
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  4. Vagrant Committed Player

    Thats a bummer man, what side do you play on? Whats ur cr?
  5. Trexlight Devoted Player

    is this where we post our 2017 reviews? lol :)
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  6. Vagrant Committed Player

    Pfft where else?
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  7. Vagrant Committed Player

    Definitely like some of the points you bring up in the video mane.
  8. Multiverse Creator League

    Thank you. ;)
  9. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    As a common courtesy, it's never cool to see a forum topic drawing focus to a legitimate video and then blast your own video as the first post.
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  10. Unida Dedicated Player

    eh i havent even logged in ages, the games basically lost all its luster for me and most of my leaguemates as well.

    general consensus is it's just not worth the effort the way the game is atm. pretty sad tbh.

    been playing since launch. if they'd put up a 2014 version before AM, WM or the state we have now sans them, back when clipping was amazing, when PVP was epic and you wanted to log in to play - id play that.

    this new world of 'grind' behind lockouts + replay + subscription is just murder. it cant compete $ for $ at all, there just isnt the value these days.
  11. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Too many bad design choices and not enough quality of life updates for players. They need to breathe life back into the game and Time Capsules are not the answer.