DCUO Teases Classic Comics in Upcoming Content!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. xD25x Dedicated Player

    Some people don't run alts and shouldn't be forced to
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  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The revamp will launch when it is ready, which could be before, in between, or after these content releases.
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  3. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    A W E S O M E. I'm very happy that the event is coming out in April, can't wait actually and then a large episode 2 months later. I feel like chillcat now, great great great!!!!!
  4. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    "A special raid for members at end-game level" SUPER GREAT! I love this idea and I honestly think it should be like this for every type of content you release. Especially the events.
  5. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I hope so. Near monthly events and large episode releases would be great.
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  6. |The 3rror Committed Player

    i told spongebob patrick was gonna try and takeover the world he didn't listen smh
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  7. MensSana Active Player

    Sooo talking about membership...
    With the introduction of capsules, membership doesn't grants anymore the chance to get all the feats.
    Now we'll have another free to play content and a 7 months of "no new episodes" period that makes membership more useless.
    So, are we going to loose more membership perks like this last months? And why we should keep paying for it?
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  8. light FX Steadfast Player

    Yea u still had to reset it 2,3 times to finish the style for anti-monitor one even with the double marks. Cause i did it on an alt. I was missing only the head and had run it every single day and not replayed it once on that toon. And i ended up like 25 marks short or something.
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  9. spack2k Steadfast Player

    that's because u didn't have the feat for the extra mark from day one, i finished the style feat without reseting , did the collection feat on alt though.
  10. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Not sure what you're trying to say here.

    1. With time capsules your chances are higher of getting a feat when you're a member. Although the chances aren't good whether you buy stabilizers or not really IMO.

    2. Not sure if you read this part or just ignored it but it was stated that the event will have a special version of the raid directed towards *members at endgame.*

    3. I don't think we need more perks (besides cutting the rally time for Hq and base) but what I think we need is to update the current perks. For example I know it says we can enter the vault every day but there really isn't anything to get in the vault anymore. Other than that I recommend membership because you get a 10% discount on marketplace items, removal of cash cap, all episode (including home turf and hand of fate), and more inventory, bank and character slots.
  11. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    I stole it fair and square
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  12. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    The whole thing about a special raid for legendary members during the Starro event doesn't mean anything if the vendor gear can't be completed in the time the event is up without resetting.
  13. Furdinand Active Player

    So you didn't need to spend replay badges, just use enough stabilizers get the full TC set on Day One? I think you are missing the basis for people not wanting to spend replays to get the full set of QC gear. They aren't trying build the world's largest replay badge collection, they're trying to get the gear without spending real world money. Telling them to buy Stabilizers isn't helpful.
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  14. MensSana Active Player

    LoL thank you for remeber me what is a membership perks and wich perks i have as member... it's only 6 year that i play xD
    So, let's talk about the perks:
    Vault - no new styles, don't give coins - useless
    episodes granted - No new episodes in 7 months (or maybe 8) and open episodes periods - almost useless
    Cash cap - ok this is a good thing
    Promethium lockboxes - no new styles - useless
    Character slots - Playing with alts is a nightmare since the new vendor gear, no chance to get the best gear without farming daily istances, and the new discount system is useless because you must wait 2 or 3 month until you have finish the armor on the main char.
    If my alts can't be as strong as my main, i dont use them.
    10% discount - it's simple, if you spend each month 10 dollars on marketplace, the discount save you 1 dollar. let's say that the membership cost an average of 8 dollars each month (it change with the duration), you must spend more than 80 dollars each month to really save some money!!
    150 replays - you must use all of them in the brand new kind of event because we don't have enough time to finish all without resetting (with 1 character).
    500 db - you must use them on the P2W capsules hoping to get something good.

    So, i hope that this special version of the new raid will be VERY special cos we are paying it a lot.....
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  15. spack2k Steadfast Player

    no for away ,i didn't buy one single stabilizer till today cause i dont support it, i just saved up 6 or 7 and opened on day one and bought the rest of the gear which i was still missing from the broker.(~ 20 mil)

    even today i save up for next TC wave ... not opening the moment i collected enough fragments to get a key for a capsule, i still dont have any of the materials but i am not forcing my luck for 1sp and keep chasing the illusion... i save the keys for 3 easy sp with the next TC wave.
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  16. Jensu Well-Known Player

    question when this content comes out, will we get T-9 armor as well?
  17. |The 3rror Committed Player

    for the event no the episode 28 probably
  18. UltraVillain Committed Player

    We will be busy being neglected.
  19. Controller Devoted Player

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  20. light FX Steadfast Player

    And what is the reason for having a 4th or 5th set of that 164 purple gear at that point? For alts? We already had blue/green and the purple gorgon gear plus the shim gear and the qwardian TC gear. And then we got gu67 which cut the cost in half of the vendor gear. It was ok to flood the game with 5 different sets of 164 gear? Ariel defender drop from the event, life shell from the vendor, shim and qwardian from TC and gorgon drop. What ules said is correct. They made end game players who had godfall gear purchase gear that they didnt need. Most salvaged it or even some people i know deleted it. There is nothing wrong with having the actual vendor contain a gear set with stats but also have just the style pieces with no stats. I find it odd that many other vendors in the game are loaded with different things, look at any seasonal vendor, but somehow his suggestion means then vendor will be "flooded." :rolleyes:

    On a different note if AF3 with dailies, a solo, duo, alert and 2 raids is a large episode and this starro event is being compared to a large episode when it contains a duo, alert and a raid then what exactly is a small episode going to look like?
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