Hi there, i would ask like as above whats are the system requirements for dc now? Recently my gameplay in DCUO is really hardly. I got really strong lags,delays,crazy breakouts, low fps and simply the game is running slow for me. Earlier so it didn't happen, the game was run fine and smoothly but now its really hard to play. Something changed with DC system requirements? they are more challenging?If you know something about it, please write here. My Spec: Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q8200 @ 2.33GHz Nvidia GeForce 9600GT RAM 2GB Win XP 32bit
You can find the requirements here: http://help.soe.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/27287/kw/sytem requirements Lags and breakout issues can be caused by a slow internet connection (especially if the upload is slow). Low FPS is a relative thing, because when the ingame V-sync option is on, the FPS are capped (I don't know high the cap was again, but it is low enough to be outdated). What I notice about your specs though, is that you have only 2 GB RAM. Together with your Win XP the RAM is probably already full. If you then run any other programs and the RAM is full, then your PC uses your harddrive instead (REALLY slow, compared to RAM). Turn off any unnecessary programs you might have running in the background (eg. the taskmanager can even show you how much RAM each occupies and how much free RAM you have left). You probabyl could also add more RAM, if there is still a free slot on your motherboard .
This article should provide some good information regarding lag Answer Title: Lag and Game Resolution Answer Link: http://help.soe.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/29119 Please submit in a support ticket so we can continue troubleshooting your issue.
Should run just fine. Definitely exceeds the minimum specs. What video card would you be parring it with?