DCUO Switch Discord Server

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Oddpodd, Jul 17, 2019.

  1. Oddpodd Dedicated Player

    Hello everyone!

    OddPodd here, coming to you semi-live from my not-so-retired account! With the recent announcement of the DCUO port to the Nintendo Switch, another user and I have been collaborating through Discord about kickstarting the Switch community with a not-so-old-fashioned Discord server. We're hoping to attract any potential Switch players into the server, start mingling with one another, pre-emptively create/recruit into Leagues as we all anticipate the game's release onto the Switch.

    I know, I know, some of you might not like this. Heck, some of you downright do not support the port towards the Nintendo Switch. But good news! You can disregard this post and move on! It's easy, simple, and very convenient to return to the front page of the forums.

    However, if you're interested in myself and Sadhand's attempt to kickstart the Switch community for DCUO, and want to chat with potential friends, acquaintances, and even possible future League-mates, here's a permanent invite for you!


    Good vibes, everyone. We want old and new players to have a great time in this port to the Nintendo Switch, so come on down and join the fun!

    • Like x 4
  2. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

  3. Oddpodd Dedicated Player

    Our aim is to create and foster a community that’s solely geared towards the Nintendo Switch, making it easier for new and old players to connect without having to slough through all the other players who are playing on different platforms. So if you’re a prospective player, come check us out! We’re slowly growing in numbers, and we’re always happy to talk, discuss, and speculate about the release!

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  4. Batmatt Active Player

    Come join
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  5. dresserball Dedicated Player

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  6. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I'm just a player and are as trustworthy or not trustworthy as anyone else - and as powerless as any other player too.

    I am simply against any movement that wants to split the DCUO community AGAIN. I've been there before and it wasn't helpful - I'm not sure if you have been around for that long or on which side you were stuck.
  7. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Good Luck with the server! Me and my friends have our own too. :D (Though we're PC\PS, but we have more then just DCUO discussion)
  8. Oddpodd Dedicated Player

    I think you misunderstand the purpose of the Discord server. Our purpose is to have a platform where Switch players can interact with each other, looking for Leagues, look for groups, and just chat! We're not encouraging people to not join the official Discord server, in fact, we don't really care much for it. We're not being divisive, we're hoping to give a server for Switch players to find their foothold before the release, and even going forward from there!

    Thank you! I saw you and your friends joined, and we're happy to keep having experienced veterans help out new players! :)


    If you're a prospective Switch player, new, or veteran, we're happy to have you join our community! We're a small, but growing, group of players who are looking forward to the Switch release! In fact, we've had our first League already come in and advertise! So get off your lazy bums and join the server! You won't regret it...much...

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  9. Captain Cold Level 30

    With nearly 2 weeks til DCUO launches on switch, it's a great time to jump on board the discord to start pre-emptively meeting the community that you'll be playing with there
  10. Oddpodd Dedicated Player

    That's right! We're almost at the two-week mark before the game releases officially! So what are you waiting for? Come join our small and growing community, talk to prospective players about powers/roles, maybe even form a League with people who are in the same faction as you!

    Here's the link: https://discord.gg/a8M6Mw7

    We're waiting!

  11. Batrederik Dedicated Player

  12. Oddpodd Dedicated Player


    The Switch release is almost upon us! It's never a bad time to join us in our small but growing Discord channel! We have old and new players, veterans who have helped people understand the game mechanics before they jump in, and new players just fresh into the Switch console. It's a place of discussion, of players helping players, and most importantly, dedicated towards the Switch community!

    So come on down and join us in our Discord server, and don't let the haters get to you!


  13. Oddpodd Dedicated Player

    Hiya everyone!

    Our Mentors at the Switch DCUO Community Server had just finished up a Top 30 Tips and Tricks for new, returning and prospective players found here: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/dcuo/index.php?threads/top-30-tips-for-new-players.303167/. We're slowly growing in numbers, so if you're a looking to start playing on the Switch, give our community a try! We try our best to foster a community that helps each other out, focusing on Switch players, of course.

    So come on down, we're waiting!

  14. Oddpodd Dedicated Player

    Hey hey!

    Release is almost upon us! We've got some groups going, some discussions happening, and a league or two already recruiting! So why not drop in, say hi to a budding community, and join us as we wait for the official release next week! Oh yes, we also have Mentors who are helpfully answering questions for new players, and returning players alike!

  15. Oddpodd Dedicated Player

    Hey hey!

    It's been released, and the party was quite a ruckus this morning as we all kind of floundered around waiting for the game to fully release. Come join the fun, learn something new, and even look for a League to join! Our Discord server has been quite active for the past few weeks, and the members have been quite helpful teaching new and returning players the lay of the land.

    Don't hesitate, don't procrastinate, join the Discord Server...ate...

  16. Travis1421 New Player

    • Like x 1
  17. Grant Gardner Level 30

    Very nice community and very welcoming.
    • Like x 1
  18. The Scrounger New Player

  19. Marzanna Snow New Player

    Tried joining but the link is no longer active?
  20. Eve Creator League, YouTuber