DCUO Stereotypes

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BlazeChamp, May 18, 2015.

  1. BlazeChamp Committed Player

    We all know their are plenty of stereotypes circling around this community. Let's turn this into the most ridiculous thread ever and post some stereotypes we've seen or heard for the time you've been playing!!!

    I'll start: You know a player is bad when they're still wearing Slimeline styles in T6.

    I don't want this to turn into a negative thread; I'm just curious.
  2. winter13 New Player

    This probably belongs in Jokers Funhouse
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  3. BlazeChamp Committed Player

    This is on-topic. Sorta...
  4. JSnaples Committed Player

    No it's not.
  5. BlazeChamp Committed Player

    It is now.
  6. kravonik New Player

    you know a player is bad when they use their DPS gear for their support role
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  7. JSnaples Committed Player

    Yeah, no it's not. This is for gameplay discussion, your thread is for off topic stuff In Funhouse.
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  8. Bardawulf Level 30

    I suppose you could say that the following are stereotypes as well

    Rage users that have a red based design
    Green Hard Light users that have a green based costumes
    Yellow hard light users have yellow based costumes (Mind you I fall under this category)
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  9. kravonik New Player

    time to change my nature green look
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  10. kravonik New Player

    why do you care forum police officer. if the mods want to move they will.
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  11. Dom-Eon Dedicated Player

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  12. Derio 15000 Post Club

    5 dps. I bet 2 or more are Quantum.
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  13. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    The people that're always talking smack in PVP are always a FoTM power as soon as it drops.
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  14. Ghostof91 New Player

    Fire and Earth Dps will be bottom Dps.
  15. BlazeChamp Committed Player

    Off topic discussions are about things that have nothing to do with DC Universe Online. This is clearly about DCUO.
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  16. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    After 3 days the new DLC dropped.

    LF all roles for FE exp players only.

    You know this person has no life.
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  17. MattTheViolator New Player

    I see this OP as wanting to poll the community. Polls are forbidden in these forums
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  18. BlazeChamp Committed Player

    I'm not polling anything. :confused:
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  19. kravonik New Player

    DCUO community assumes things before reading the info.
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  20. Sbel Devoted Player

    OK, now you're just making **** up.
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