The fact that they won't even talk about this subject already speaks volumes. Hate to say it but the minute the came out with wolf artifacts they showed the directions they are going. Not gonna say never because of the booster bundle remix they did when those bb was supposed to be 1 time exclusive. Keep hopefull though but don't let it stop you from working on arts now since its well over a year since last 1 happened
To me, taking away being able to sell Nth metal on the broker is one of the reasons no 2x artifact xp. Wolfpack was the cherry on top. New revenue from DCUO started flowing into DI/EG7 after these two things. You have to use your Nth metal saved up, buy more Nth metal or not have your artifacts up to snuff. 2xp artifact xp was just them being nice to the player base, but now it's all about the money. I feel they are trying to milk the cow as much as possible before they slaughter it for the beef. However, I really hope I am wrong. Peace and DCUO
I disagree. Before wolf tokens, building any artifact, specifically artifacts for alt characters, were done best by double experience. Eliminating that avenue, makes wolf tokens now the best option for alt characters. Continuing to have double experience would encourage people to hoard nth metal and use it during that time. Why pay 80 to 100 dollars for a wolf token if we can level 3 to 4 artifacts during a double experience bonus. Now, if you have many many alts, wolf tokens still work out as a better option, but if you only have a couple alts, double experience would be far cheaper. The two systems are in this way opposition to each other, and I also believe we won't see double experience again. I am still holding on to nth for a few more months though just in case.
Ummm, yes they do. 2x XP allows for more switching of artis as you can do so at no cost to XP during the event. The loss of 2x makes us lean more heavily on 'purchased' Nth as we are basically getting 1/2 as much as we used to...assuming you only applied on 2x weeks. With 'purchase' being a much more viable path to getting 200s now, it makes those Wolfpacks way more attractive...and heck, you've got your CC out anyway....right? The funny thing is that it also works the other way. Personally I'd NEVER wolfpack an existing arti (most of my toons have at least a trans or strat, many have both) as I also wouldn't feed an alt's copy into something else at 1/2 rate loss. Now, granted, I'd probably not get any wolfpacks as I'm not spending $100 on artis at all....but if it were on 50% sale? And I knew I could feed now obsolete copies into new artis at no loss? Maybe...sure. But they are roughly tied together at a minimum. Heavily in my opinion.
You cannot get a wolfpack token if you don't have a rank 200 artifact you'd like to wolfpack in the first place, might wanna speed that up with a 2x xp, Evil Business Person in charge of DCUO. *wink* *wink*
It’s more like a pay 2 hurry up and play at a decent level CONSOLE game which in a way is sorta sadder.
Wolf Tokens are only available if you already have a level 200 artifact. Wolf packs are totally useless to 90 percent of the playerbase. 2x art xp is utilized by all players new and old.