dcuo released a teaser to episode 34

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eve, Dec 20, 2018.

  1. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    i'm really hoping we can get some magic related styles and base items we missed out on in past plots like: trigon's antlered horns from trigon's prison as a face style, the jars of bone specimens from the magic shop, the big blue glass chandelier from the end of the mannheim chinese theater solo, really everything from mannheim's chinese theater, purple flaming braziers, some openable doors like those in the trigon content both regular like in desecrated cathedral and the large one made of bones that leads to trigon's prison chamber also openable, etc. i'm hoping they go nuts with the magic stuff XD.
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  2. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    My idea for a magical orbital strike...

    The hands coming out of the ground from Blackest Day last boss as you hear Trigon laughing.
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  3. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    Thank you,I realy don't like those discussions they only leave someone feel missrable or angry and there's no point to them anyway in here.
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  4. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    "Hey get that disgusting thing out of here. Last time he took a wiz on my clean floor!"

    The Sorcerer pleaded with the Bartender...

    "He was just a pup back then. he'd trained now I swear"

    The bartender replied..

    "I was talking to the Etrigen about you. Last Time you got so drunk you thought THIS was the men's room.. OUT!"
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  5. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    SEE I knew it..... Mepps is evil all we need after that is a Muwahahahaha LOL

    Send me a copy Skyy LOL:D
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  6. AlanR80 Active Player

    Hmm that looks like the Crime Bible, and remember during that level 24 mission, Bruno Manheim and his clerics using "Blood Magic". Also some of the other enemies were Shape-shifters ….
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  7. Eve YouTuber

    The book is actually a bomb!!! It's not Magic at all !!! :p
    #MeppsI'mSorry lolol
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  8. Raven Roth Committed Player

    I still want those floating crystals from Shadowlands and Wasteland Wonderland
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  9. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Ahhhh well now I know exactly what the next DLC is about..... The evil and notorious Mr. Pebble, The head librarian of the Legion of Doom hatch his terrifying plot to take over Metropolis and waits for happy hour in the Oblivion bar. Sets off his "book bombs" and takes out half the Justice League and most of the Legion leaving himself free to take control and force everyone to "Be Quiet!' .. Okay I have less of an ide anow that I know that then I did before LOL

    But I do enjoy you choice of GIFs.. I am Old enough to remember that scene from the 1966 Bat man movie

    back in the good old days when a good super hero knew how to dance....

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  10. HalfromTynon Well-Known Player

    I am unsure about the wording in that statement. Any persons' beliefs (for or against) should not be considered stupid.

    Other than that, I do agree with the "no arguing religion" idea.
  11. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    i highly suspect ti's the day of vengeance storyline as well, shazam is barely in dcuo at all despite black adam occasionally showing up, and we haven't seen spectre since the lair of the spectre sub plot during the level 2-30 mentor missions. plus there's a shazam movie in april.
  12. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    But enough about Travolta in Gotti...
  13. powerwoman274 Well-Known Player

    I think it will be based off of justice league dark :D
  14. powerwoman274 Well-Known Player

    The next episode might be called Day of Vengeance as some of you guys think :)
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  15. Darth Jafo Well-Known Player

    Obviously Shazam based since that's coming out soon.
  16. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Maybe but DB did show off the new Zatanna reskin during the Livestream. I'm thinking we might get a Shazam related TC when the movie hits theaters.
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  17. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    this would make a good open world place for both villains and heros to chill at, and I just love the atmosphere in this picture.
  18. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    That idea has been suggested here on the forums before and I tend to agree with you. The bar is set up as a neutral spot where heroes and villains can hang out together so it would make the perfect spot for a "non-combat" hang out to relax and mingle. When your character enters the bar for any of the missions involved you always spot a variety of magic oriented good and bad guys hanging out and sharing a brew. :D

    OKAY DEV TEAM .. Are ya listening? Give us an Oblivion Bar we can all just hang out and relax in!
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  19. Kuno Loyal Player

    I want to know more. I think we could get Shazam but also Justice League Dark, so maybe the devs used a storyline where we can have both.
    All I know its I want that Zatanna style available. We never had a style like that.
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  20. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I would like it to be something like Day of Vengeance instead of what I think it is. For me, that’s the kind of epic story I expect out of a DLC. Also, Spectre has been underutilized in the game, and he’s a somewhat unaligned character powerful enough to pose an omega level threat to both heroes and villains - much like Darkseid, Anti-Monitor, etc. does. Lastly, the involvement of Eclipso in the Day of Vengeance comic story would make it pretty easy to spin the story as a continuation of the leveling quest with Spectre.

    All that said, I’m not really a fan of magical content. Nothing wrong with it, and it has a large amount of fans - just not my taste. I would much rather have a straight up Shazam episode with a super-hero focus fighting giant robots, mad scientists and mind-controlling worms from space.
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