And as soon as they do that do you think the glitchers will stop glitching? Unless the glitches are fixed first, wiping the slate clean only hurts the people who earned or accumulated their money/items honestly. Now i'm not sure if the Xbox can be glitched...or if the Switch can, but I do know the worst offenders are the PC users. Any limits should be started there....and if you think they can't put restrictions on just one platform, think again. BTW....I play on PC as well, so i'm not just trying to pick on them. Reinheld
Oh, I agree. But I'm saying that I'd still play even with this restriction. It was a counter anecdote to your own contention that people won't play because they can't use existing characters. Personally, I think it would be best for the game if players on all platforms could play on the same servers and switch from platform to platform with their characters. But I guess business issues won't allow for it.
This is awesome news. My brother owns a Nintendo switch, so I might borrow it from him and play sometimes.
All of us are affected by the screwed up economy. Most of us, myself included, did not benefit. Like I said, it wouldn't be fair to most of us, but the in-game economy is completely messed up thanks to those who took advantage and didn't get punished. In the long run, assuming the glitches have been fixed so the cheaters can't just game the system again, it would be a benefit to everyone to reset the money in the game. Your opinion may vary. As I said, it's not fair.
Mentioned it earlier but it would actually still be better for us/them, as the difference between how much they have and how much they need would be decimated.
You are also forgetting that in advance of any money reset, the gazillionaires could buy up anything of value that has not been bought already, then STILL control all the markets. Again, this hurts no one but the honest player who's amassed a substantial quantity of money/goods. I'm assuming that's not you, or the other advocates of a wipe. did we get on money in a 'DCUO going to the switch' thread? Reinheld
Have been playing for 8 years, the most have on one character is around 12million, there was a time Blacque wasn't able to repair her gear because she didn't even have enough to sell a stack of Bits (or were they Bytes? could never remember which was which) back when they were going for around 100k a stack
Oh contraire, I have 2 PSN, now main or a must, accounts. Another PSN beginner, a PC main. And just look at the Sony/ Microsoft agreement in the works. Notwithstanding DCUO going Mobile!
Date of departures 1/11/2011. Bits/Bytes either at the time my only comment, puffery .in reference to prices.✅✅✅
I considered that but they only have two options, and only one gives them a real (minor) advantage: 1. Buy up all of the rarest and sought after items that are marketable: This doesn't actually help them because no one would be able to buy the items for any abnormal or unreasonable amount of money. By the time the price could reach a point where it was worth it, more of those items would have become available naturally, leading to a buyer's market. This is compounded by the fact that other glitchers would have the same "bright" idea. They'd ultimately end up making the economy healthier by making the most expensive things more available following the purge. 2. Buy up everything that's vendorable: By stocking up on items that can be sold to the vendor for a good chunk of change (ie. Plans) glitchers would be able to give themselves a massive kickstart. The only way to address that would be for the devs to make it so nothing obtained before a purge could be vendored after a purge. Iunno how we got on the topic haha but tbh the idea of a clean slate on Switch is appealing. I'm not about to make the jump if it means leaving my character, accomplishments, and friends behind though. That said, I give it an hour before there are hacks in the game. The Switch, and Nintendo's modern consoles in general, have non-existant security and homebrews/jailbreaks are easy af. You'd come out waaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY better off then. You have, ever, at most, had about 0.3% of the total amount of money you'd "need" to get, at minimum, all of the broker-dependant feats in the game, let alone the things you want and should be sustaining (eg. Stat soders and Compound Os, augs). If they did a purge, you'd gain everything and lose nothing, being instantly "as rich" as the richest people in the game if the devs did it right. I have nothing left to buy. I have every broker style, collection, feat, etc, so I don't directly benefit at all from a reset, really. I still want them to do a PC economy reset though, because it just makes for a healthier game in general. Healthier game = happier players = more players = more money for improvements = more/better game we love. It also means less frustrated players, which means less cheaters.
Wasn't the 'glitch' on the PS3? So why should the PC economy get reset if the glitch originated on the PS?
Poor MsTickle Fate will have to sacrifice himself like Barry Allen to save the game as we know it. We don't know how yet, but it's coming.
Good news about the Switch port, I will give it a try at the very least. In regards to a economy reset, I have been playing since 2014 with earning money being my primary reason I purchased a sub in the first place.. I made my first million and loved it, soon after I seen Britney streaming and my million seemed like nothing compared to what she had at the time. But because of her my goal was set, and today I have more she had at the time on multiple characters. I have never cheated or exploited, purchased cash, etc. Everything was gained purely from farming, buying and selling in game items. Players like myself would be hit massively from a reset, so I am very much against one. Perhaps maybe if at they put a cash only vendor with exclusive items/styles purchased with in game cash and allow players to spend their money before it all gets taken away. Granted some players would not deserve those items, but at least it would give honest players something for their effort. (Account bound, non tradeable items)
That just kills the hype for me. Fortnight and Warframe each have some way to link accounts. Why doesn't Nintendo allow it for DCUO? I guess I'll just make two characters, spend $10, then go back to PC. :'/
Yeah I don't think current players are going to dish out another $10 for membership and not be able to use their accounts. Clearly isn't meant for the current players.
Excellent news!! If only we could transfer our progression, at least at first for a limited time.. And share a server with PC & PS but still! Great news!