DCUO Needs more raids like Olympus

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DoflamingoGT, Dec 13, 2016.

  1. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

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  2. Butterfly Boy Committed Player

    I feel like there may be some sarcasm involved that's being missed :rolleyes:
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  3. Voaxghost Well-Known Player

    Oly Reg is a face roll.

    Oly Elite is a face roll, a slower face roll, If you pay attention to the machines. It's a false difficulty.

    Elite should be Reg & Elite should be harder.
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  4. light FX Steadfast Player

    So u want the iconic to take half the bosses health down for ya? Ugh fail. The raid is very easy. Even the elite version is pretty easy. Id be ok with an easy raid like that but when we dont get a contrasting one then im not ok w/it. We were also told the last bosses of the elite version would be "brutal." That just isnt true as both are not difficult really at all.

    But this community doesnt seem to be able to even handle the smallest amount of difficulty. Just look at DWFr. Not even a hard raid when compared to thrones, nex, and dox. Yet 107 page thread on here with nothing but complaints. Even tho some people finished the raid 5 times on the 1st day :cool: Some people were even doing 20 min runs the 1st few days it was live.

    What ive never understood is people saying some content is way too hard when other groups are beating it day 1. We are all playing the same content. U dont get a different version of the raid then i do. But if people beat say DWF day 1 and others couldnt beat it still 30 days later then its pretty obvious it isnt the content. Its the group/players ;) Btw none of what im saying is really directed at u except the 1st sentence. The rest is all just general speak.
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  5. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    i think OP's sarcasm was way too advanced for the lot of you. haha
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  6. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    So these raids were easy?:eek:
    Why did not anyone tell me?:rolleyes:
    Because I have not seen anything so easy ..
    Just a boring and meaningless mechanic where the bosses do not obey the tanks and ends up being stressful ...o_O
  7. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    yes. stuff is way to easy anymore. and yet...so many cant do even low lv stuff at a high cr...smh.
  8. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I like that in the AF3 normal raids you don't instantly die the picosecond you make a mistake.
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  9. dresserball Dedicated Player

    Raid mechanics - Get 8 people to que up
  10. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    gah thats, ugh. . . thats a real b**** right there :rolleyes:

    8 (eight) people? :eek:
  11. Bose Well-Known Player

    Really cause I'm sick and tired of Circe. Devs: 'I can't think of a boss t use? Oh lets use Circe'

    I'm tired of that NPC, tired of that stupid voice
  12. spack2k Steadfast Player

    imagine the voice actor is folloing the forum, not nice
  13. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    To be fair, I get the impression that Circe is not meant to be a likeable character. She's arrogant, sadistic and deceitful. Forbes does such a good job of conveying all of that it does tend to grate. It's the character that's annoying, but she is probably intended to be so that's not a bad thing.
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  14. spack2k Steadfast Player

    there is a difference between an annoying voice and a stupid voice though
  15. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    Odd, of the six mentors, I felt that Circe was the best.
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  16. UltraVillain Committed Player

    The last thing we need is another raid of any kind...we need more diverse and varied content that scales to group size in the open and not yet more of the same isolating generic group content that is now made to be done so often and so quickly it works to exclude theme story individuality and any sense of fulfilment by the player.
  17. Hraesvelg Always Right

    As one of the first groups on villain side to beat FOS2 after an eight hour slog...ain't nobody got time for that, LOL
  18. TheCursedOne Well-Known Player

    I find it funny that all of these people saying the content is to easy but yet are the same people that run 5-1-1-1, with the most OP powers they can. Running groups like that you cut out the hardness. If you guys would run the normal way 2-2-2-2 or even 1-3-2-2, you would see that fight would last longer and would see the whole fight, not just speed run it.

    I think the Olympus raid if nice. It could be a little on the easy side but at the same time most players are geared up now. So its going to feel easier. GOMn is also a nice raid. You people that want hard content get your wish with today's GU. Keep the hard stuff there or in Elite raids. Keep the normal raids as they are. I do think we should have content but at the same we should have easy content.
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  19. Here2Help Devoted Player

    I'm all for that, except Elite raids actually aren't hard. They're harder than normal, alright, but they're not actually challenging and difficult. And don't get me started on the lack of interesting, imaginative and challenging feats.... :mad:
  20. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    right? I liked her cockiness and how arrogant she was.