DCUO LQ Winter Base Tour - Enter Glacier Palace

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheLQ-DCUO, Dec 24, 2016.

  1. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Hey guys!

    I'm very excited to finally unveil to you all my Winter base tour, as I walk around Glacier Palace! A palace home to the most delightful of Emperor Penguins, this winter wonderland provides a great home for them, as well as a winter retreat. From icy palatial chambers, to frozen rivers, to a godly shrine, this palace is truly.....cool.

    Hope you enjoy the video, and Merry Christmas! :)

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  2. quirkers Well-Known Player

    Looks awesome! And the penguins are loving it too I see! :)
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  3. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

  4. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Related Thinking Outside The Box (TOTB) episodes on certain base items shown in this base tour for those curious :)
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  5. Frank Zarjaz Committed Player

    Otherworldly and almost unrecognisable as a lair. Great job. :cool:

    I need to remember to get some penguins before they're gone.
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  6. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

  7. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    Amazing and truly inspiring! I loved the how beautiful the ice/snow/water floorings just flow together, definitely similar to what I had planned for mine but it won't be ready anytime soon..
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  8. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Thank you! :) Can't wait to see your Winter Base :)

    Admittedly I had to change a few things last minute due to Flash Museum Sign: Ice becoming scarce on the EU server in recent days and not dropping at all in relevant content - that said I did find things worked better from re-planning some areas - eg. the Flash Museum Sign: Clouds worked better in the Shrine, especially when near the Nectar of the Gods base item to continue the cloudy theme in there (if you see TOTB26 I originally had Ice signs in the shrine portals). I felt having cloudy base items added to the base colour wise and at least weather wise, linking with the snow/ice accumulations and falling snow from the Snowy Frosted Windows. Also I used more Kryptonian Crystal Consoles for most of the amenities to give it a more themed look.
  9. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Thank you!

    Yes do! Those friendly penguins are a welcome addition to your base, as they dance, dive, belly slide, and run around your base in sheer happiness. Definitely worth either buying on broker or grinding a week (or equivalent) of the winter seasonal for!

    Event ends on New Year's Eve I believe though so they won't be available for much longer. :(
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  10. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    I really hope soon though that they will add more icy/snowy base items for the wall, Flash Museum Sign: Ice - and to a lesser extent Snowy Frosted Window, are the only offerings atm.

    Maybe next year if I'm still playing I may......*evolve* bases depending on upcoming base items. ;)
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  11. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Didn't see this part of your post initially, I'm guessing you edited it in.

    Yeah me too! I kinda feel like Water Puddle should be a crossover Summer/Winter seasonal base item. Or at least make an Icy Water Puddle base item. Maybe some Frozen River Streams as well.
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  12. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Nice base. I knew someone was has been buying all the winter themed base items. Now we know who.
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  13. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Giving this thread a little bump in case people were away for holidays. If you haven't seen my Winter Base Tour yet do check it out! :)

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  14. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I love these kinds of videos. I particularly like when there's one little niche where I've seen someone do something new. I love those cloudy reflective portals with the mystical accent tables.
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  15. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

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