Dcuo future

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by King Cisco, May 14, 2020.

  1. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    I'm confused with this, can I get a clarification please?

    If it reset all players to zero and they had to play all the content from scratch inorder to reach a specific level...

    Why do we have so many who don't do that now, play the entire game to reach the end game.

    Wouldn't that also be a factor with DCuo 2 as well, because if those players who don't start out when everyone else starts out they will then ask for a DCuo 3 then wouldn't they, so that everyone could start out at zero again.

    Or is it just me.
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  2. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    See, but that's you banking on the premise that DCUO 2'll actually improve on those things.

    The core issue of a DCUO 2 and what you guys don't seem to understand is that the core problem dwells on the three fundamental problems that make this game what it is.

    The game studio/development team would be the same.

    Feedback/communication would be the same.

    And finally, the community would be the same.

    I do need to reiterate that third point especially, because people who seem to clamor for DCUO 2 or a DCUO sequel are the same ones that are saying this game's on death row.. or that the developers don't listen, or that this game is imbalanced; etc, etc.

    Unless DCUO 2 has a dramatic influx of different players or the development team/game studio on DCUO 2 actually puts their foot down on what they plan for the game, it leaves DCUO 2 wide and open for the same awful aspects that this game currently has.

    Let me take a therotical example of what your asking for, let's assume DCUO 2 has better PVP than DCUO 1 does by a longshot okay? All it's going to take is for a couple of threads from the PVP or PVE community requesting a nerf because somebody defeated them(either on the scorecard or in a match.)

    The developers'll listen to the folks and adjust somethings.. and bam... PVP in DCUO 2'll apparently be their fault all over again and someone'll be there waiting with a youtube video headline "DCUO 2 PVP's broken, Daybreak ruins yet another MMO! GG dev team!"

    I can't stress that part enough: The community in DCUO plays in just as much of a role in how the game'll turn out as do the development team and if we want DCUO 2 to be a better product, we need to do a better job at messaging and contributing proper feedback.

    And in DCUO's 2 case: It might behoove us to follow the direction the developers might plan for something instead of just shutting it down because it's different. I can't tell you how many people I've had to argue or convince that the stats-revamp might be a good thing because those players were upset that the AM era of the game(which was broken to a large extent) was going away.

    Otherwise, we're asking for a game that'll be great in the first few years; only for people to turn around and say "I don't feel like playing this game much anymore." as they(myself included) are doing now.

    I'm for a DCUO 2, but in order for it to be different and potentially better than the first game: It needs to be handled differently all together.
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  3. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    I honestly don't get that assumption either.

    Not every MMO sequel 'll drop you off with peanuts now.

    If I remember correctly, Guild wars 2 had an event where if you had a Guild Wars 1 avatar: You could redeem armor/gear off of that original toon and wear it on your Guild Wars 2 character to help with progression.

    There's nothing definitive that says that Daybreak couldn't implement a system like that in a DCUO 2. Like with everything else surrounding DCUO and a DCUO follow up: It's all speculation.
  4. Brit Loyal Player

    Literally the only advantage I could see in the imaginary DCUO2 would be another shot at trying to get some good names for characters without being forced to resort to XXXs and IIIx and 13375P34K.

    And that need would be fulfilled if the development team would just take a page from more successful MMOs and run name purges of long-inactive accounts as a regular part of game maintenance. They've already coded it and have all the parameters set. This is literally just a question of flipping a switch that would provide an advantage to some of their existing customers, and would never negatively effect anyone playing the game.
  5. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Well that's why I started with "if." I never said or even assumed that it could promise any of those things. And in any case, I have already said that the game isn't necessarily in need of a sequel *right now.* A good MMO has longevity, as evidenced by WoW, GW2, etc.

    But in general, I agree with most of what you just said. I can't say whether the devs play their own game or not (and I mean all aspects of the game) but I'm sure that could be helpful.

    I don't think that DCUO will ever see a large influx of players naturally (meaning no pandemic or something) unless some very substantial changes occur. And making a superhero game in a market dominated by Fantasy titles is already risky.

    Fixing PvP might bring some players, including myself, back. IIRC a lot of DC's big names, like ORBIT, were big PvP players but all have quit the game. They got several hundred thousands of views. A DLC related to a popular DC comic might bring people too, such as Injustice or Red Hood stuff. Perhaps a graphics change so people don't clown this game for looking bad. Doing away with the loot boxes might help too. Do I think DC is dead? No, its fanbase is too dedicated, it's on multiple platforms, and one of the few MMOs on a console. Do I think it's popularity is fleeting? Absolutely. It has a controversial reputation. But I would certainly entertain the idea of DCUO 2 being handled by a different team.
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  6. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    These "these graphics and poor animation" at 9 years has lasted lots of games with superior graphics and animations. So 10 more years doesn't seem so improbable.
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  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Haters gonna hate. They are bitter people with so much damn time on their hands that they have nothing better to do than throw shade at this game. Well adjusted people with better things to do are doing other things. :)
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  8. Isif Committed Player

    New content, not replaying old content. Basically, next in progression, not just the same with better graphics. Same old is a waste of time and resources. How is it that folks flip when they reuse a map but it is ok to just build a prettier replica?:rolleyes:
  9. DarkAvenger Well-Known Player

    Most of them were former players I really wouldn’t call them haters people just don’t wanna play the old game anymore dcuo player base rarely increases Everyone is waiting on dcuo 2
  10. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Lol, no one but the handful of you are waiting on a dcuo 2 lmao. No one has even asked for it, it just became a conspiracy and the four of you who believe in it started making threads about it.

    “Everyone is waiting on dcuo 2”, that’s hilarious lol

    And from these replies, it seems as if the few of you only want a sequel so you won’t be so far behind in progression, so everyone will have to start over and stats will be even again, but the same thing will happen in the sequel that’s happening now if you aren’t willing to participate in one of the core premises of mmos, which is grinding.
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  11. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    So what would people probably prefer? A hypothetical DCUO 2 which is an entirely different game where you start from scratch? Vs or a new campaign DCUO 2.0 that acknowledges your previous DCUO progress?
  12. DarkAvenger Well-Known Player

    Wasn’t even talking about the people on this thread you guys are just a small player base
  13. Isif Committed Player

    I like the idea of new, but I understand those who are attached to the time/money invested into their augments, styles, artifacts, SP, etc. Let the devs build new systems that allow us to have seamless play between PVE and PVP. I welcome a more streamlined, entertaining experience.
  14. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Playing a game for the graphics is like watching **** for the plot.
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  15. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    It's always been a given that the folks in the forums aren't a huge part of or truly representative of the player base at large, true. But the same could be said for folks on social media channels/platforms as well. And with the nasty tendency of those platforms creating echo chambers rather than discussions, those comments sometimes require being taken with a sizeable grain of salt.
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  16. Starblast Well-Known Player

    I don't really see them doing a straight up DCUO 2. They would almost seem better off exploring options to update the game. Similar to how they did the massive graphics update way back during Sons of Trigon. But I dunno how all this could be pulled off really. They also probably are waiting for next gen consoles and what they can do with them etc. I mean....they are already doing a great job as most know with Material options, Updated Character models and it's quite impressive how many voice actors are still providing their voices for the game, like Kevin Conroy, Susan Eisenberg, and many of the others which names slip me that have been there since day 1 like oracle, poison ivy, batwoman, Donna Troy, Calculator, and i do like how they are leaving in some voices like Arleen Sorkin the OG Harley and the new one is IMO, doing a decent job. I just home we see Michelle Forbes return. If i read a comic with Circe i always envision her voice.

    tl;dr anyhow. i appreciate the efforts they are doing. I'm sure they are doing the best they can. Plus i'm sure corporate politics are involved, which is always fun. UGH. and this virus probably causing delays.
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  17. DarkAvenger Well-Known Player

    Well that’s true
  18. UseIessPotato New Player

    @Mepps when are we going to see a decrease in 1 shots? I'm finding hard for success in a lot of raids because 75% of the boss fights are 1 shots and it's making the game extremely unenjoyable for newer content like 200 or and up.
  19. King Cisco Active Player

    Entirely new game otherwise it’d be no different than an expansion. I’d love to see dcuo with next gen properties
  20. TheLastSuperman Well-Known Player

    I'd like to see an entire game revamp and for the love of the lawt can someone finally get to work on PvP and bring it back from the dead?!?!?!

    Did you hear about the crook who stole a calendar? He got 12 months!
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