DCUO Furniture: Screenshot gallery/guide to base items

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Sarielle, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Sarielle New Player

    Both St. Patrick's Day items are up (finally). Hope to do more regular updates in the next day or two, seeing as how I haven't been in front of the computer that much lately :)

    Pot O' Gold
    Sparkling Rainbow

    And of course other miscellaneous updates with new items and drop locations.
  2. Bloodartist New Player

    Thank you very much for this site! It has been a great help! :)
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  3. Sarielle New Player

    OK, long time no update. Class + working full time is killing me, so things will probably be on the slow side until May.

    That said! The galleries page has been updated to allow sorting by colour and material. Still WIP! I was originally going to wait until I had all the old entries properly tagged but ... man, it's slow going. I figured I'd go ahead and put the categories up there, and just keep updating entries a few at a time.

    Please do let me know in the comments if you find something that's oddly labeled. I'mma be updating those drop locations from comments ... soon. I hope.
  4. Sarielle New Player

  5. Sarielle New Player

    School is out. Spring has sprung. Vendor spring items are very belatedly up. Updates will be regular again because holy crap, I want those spring items bad! LOL Will be working on getting the dropped parts of the set asap.
  6. Sarielle New Player

    Updated drop locations on some old stuffs, and quite a few new items added with screenshots thanks to The Shadowdragon, who's just been such a huge help all along.

    I also added new categories to the gallery page, aquatic and chemical. Aquatic is still rather small but the aesthetic seemed unique enough to warrant it. Next up is finally finishing out the theme maps and adding individual screenshots galleries for the cash shop stuffs.

    Check out the latest additions here, and feel free to suggest any more categories you think I'm missing.
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  7. Sarielle New Player

    Added bigger, individual galleries for each theme style (basic and cash shop, including the newest Penthouse Theme) and updated the Base Locations guide to include maps, premium locations marked, for all released themes.

    Like so!


    1. Union Station
    2. LexCorp Tower Front Entrance
    3. STAR Labs
    4. Metropolis University

    That's been a long time coming, so glad to be done with it! A guide with all the henchman styles is in the works, seeing as how the other thread for that here hasn't been updated in awhile.
  8. Sarielle New Player

    Promethium Lockbox items are here! Got a few added already, courtesy of submissions -- like this awesome Angel of Justice statue, contribued by (who else?) The Shadowdragon! I WANT IT. <3


    Apologies for the delay on the promised Henchmen screenshot guide .. trying to get an owner of the two themes I don't have to send me screenies.
  9. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Wow... that was fast! I'll be on the look out for another. Hopefully it drops in more places than the lockbox.
  10. Sarielle New Player

    I'm not gonna lie, I was checking my email right before I left work and when I saw new statue I got all excited and stayed after to update the site, LOL.

    In other news, been playing a little sparingly but enough that I should have gotten a lockbox. No dice. I demand one to make up for the 6 copies of the same tank necklace I have, LOL.
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  11. Sarielle New Player

    Updated with lots of new items, including from the Summer Event thanks to tukuan!


    Check them all out!
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  12. Sarielle New Player


    As is probably obvious, this site hasn't received love in a long time. I'd toyed with updating it (including with a more professional layout), but with improved item previews in-game, I'm not even sure the site's needed anymore! If you guys could answer any of these questions/leave other feedback, I'd appreciate it.

    1. Assuming I improved sorting functions, does it still have a niche in the sense of, "I need some chairs. What are my options?" or "What kinds of plant-based items are out there?" type deals.
    2. Is there a go-to site with drop locations now? Is that something DCUO Furniture would still need to cover?
    3. Would there still be community interest in submitting images? It's too much for a one-person job.
    I am not against renewing the dcuofurniture.com address, but I won't do it if the site has outlived its use. :)
  13. Sarielle New Player

    For those who commented on the DCUO furniture site, I haven't abandoned it. Just switching hosts before I try to start some upgrades to function. In the meantime, the site is still available on a free domain:

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  14. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Welcome back! I don't know how I missed this post.

    1. I still use this site and send others here. There have been a ton of new items, but it's these classic items that make a nice matching base to start.

    2. There's no single go to site. This is pretty new... https://www.sites.google.com/site/capsdcuo/, but not complete.

    3. I'll try to get back into submitting images. I kind of stopped because I could no longer get a clear shot of single items with nothing in the background. I have a mental list of items that came after the Atlantean stuff.
  15. Neo Synapse Well-Known Player

    phew! Thought it closed down lol. Thanks!
  16. Xzotix Committed Player

    Nice Job!!!!
  17. mahouyami New Player

    1. I still use it, it's always been my "go to" page. i've searched for other sites that do this kinda thing, and i haven't found anything that is remotely useful.
  18. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    When ever i click something it gives me the webpage not available :(
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  19. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Some pages don't work, but the directory structure is intact. Just keep "http://www.dcuofurniture.blogspot.com/" in the clipboard & paste that in when you get the error, replacing "http://www.dcuofurniture.com/." It's temporary until Sarielle is able to find a new host for it.
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  20. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    I wanted to give this guide a bump since league halls gave the classic base items a second wind. While DCUO Furniture has not been updated, it still has a useful database of the basic items along with quality photos and user contributed drop locations. Here are some quick instructions to get around the broken links in the source:

    1) Start here: http://www.dcuofurniture.blogspot.com/. Also, copy that URL to your clipboard.

    2) Click any link to navigate to the desired section. You should be OK one level down.

    3) Your next click may hit a 404 error. In that case, just replace "http://www.dcuofurniture.com/" "http://www.dcuofurniture.blogspot.com/" (pasted in from step 1) at the root... leaving the rest of the subdirectories & .html intact.