DCUO Development Update - July 2021

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 7, 2021.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    It won't, but we may see it return in other ways or during events.
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  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The abilities and passive buffs are the allies' abilities and buffs. Cyborg does a nifty new attack at a certain level, and so on.

    We named exactly two heroes and two villains.
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  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    You will have a new-old solo or duo, a new-old alert, and a new-old raid each (roughly) month while episode 41 is the latest episode. These will all reward the episode 41 currency.
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  4. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    Will it work just like artifacts? With their own "nth metal", their own detectors and their own catalysts, but without the breakthroughs?
  5. zNot Loyal Player

    Will the team also adjust content knowing that these buffs will make us stronger for Elite raid content?
  6. Learnmoretalkless New Player

    For all of you saying “yipeee hooray” see how this game turns out.We pay for this game and after 10 years it’s all been going downhill.Ive been playing since 2011.

    10 years this game has been officially up.People getting all happy for limited upgrades just goes to show how limited our benefits really are.I still can’t believe they’re are people here defending or content with the membership upgrades and stat clamping.When stat clamping was only a thing once out of 10 years and guess what it failed.So in a sense we would be grinding out to max PVE rank just to be stat clamped by the Devs decision and not our own with a few people content with that.Thats backwards fairly few people are happy with grinding to max rank just to be stat clamped in low tiers as if all our grinding was just for end game content.As members we shouldn’t be stat clamped on a decision we never asked for.We’re paying for this game just like the many players who pay for their lvl 200 artifacts.

    Membership we can’t even trade our cash to our own toons that’s a take away.PVP was here for years and now we’re paying $15 only for PVE.

    This isn’t 2013 anymore there are an immense amount of games consult coming out pulling more players away from DCUO.

    Any new comers who haven’t played pvp won’t be able to possibly complete any of the games of the regular PvP feats.Yet so many people are content with that.

    For 10 years we were able to go back into an alert and rush through it for feats we never possibly imagined acquiring.

    News flash new players don’t care if a lvl 342 rushes them through the alert.They benefit by getting a feat and are able to progress further into an ocean of content they have in front of them.Those same new comers aren’t trying to stay in low tier while everyone else they see around them are at least above lvl 250CR.No one wants to feel overwhelmed starting a game.Then that’s giving them the incentive that the only reason to grind is only to reach end game just to keep up with everyone else.One last thing from this games community many players aren’t going to group with new comers.Most likely will be LFG formed groups of end game players running low tier content.

    Currently at lvl 342 I can go into a low tier help everyone because I’ve already acquired what I needed in the past while flying through the alert.With these update changes I wouldn’t dare que for low tier if full rewards are on the line whilst being stat clamped.Im finding a group with experience so I can effectively gain rewards.

    You already see many people agreeing that what’s the point of buying membership when it only offers a daily login bonus with a new currency....
    Meaning we have to grind for who knows how long just to get one seal of completion.

    It costs $5 billion dc cash/escrow just to fully upgrade one artifact and that’s not including purchasing catalysts.2400xpurified nth metal(500 xp)=1.2Mxp.A lvl 200 artifact max is 1.68million xp. This is with buying Nth metal caches at a stack of (99)each off the broker which costs about 220 mill on the broker.You would need 24 stacks of (99) nth metal caches to upgrade one artifact to lvl 200 that’s not including any catalysts or any seal of completions.Currently there aren’t even more than 12 full stacks of (99) nth metal caches on the broker.

    We will all see how this game turns out,it’s been 10 years.
  7. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    How do you know they don't care? Plenty of people have voiced their opinions on here about not liking when people are bulldozing content for them because they don't get to experience it properly. Sure they might benefit by getting some gear and marks/feats quickly, but have they learned anything about the game? No. And then people complain that there are people at endgame who don't know how to play the game/their roles. These two things go hand in hand. A balance is needed. We don't even know how the clamping will work yet, which is why it's important for all of us to wait until it goes to test so we can actually see how this is all going to work.
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  8. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    So, why should I even bother building up my character if I'm just going to end up 'clamped?'
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  9. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    I would say 2 heroes, 1 villain and 1 spoiled hero;) but let's not argue about that;)
    I may not have clearly written what my fears are, if, for example, we only have these 4 heroes and each of them will have a unique bonus, then we will have an unenviable choice, either to choose an ally from another faction or to have a bonus that we don’t fits ... and my main question is, will mirrors be possible for heroes and villains over time?

    And another question, how will the call take place? You mentioned before that it will not be a trinket, but then what? a separate skill that will take place on our taskabar? or maybe it will work like augments from metal 1, where we had a chance to summon Dark Robin when attacking?
  10. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Is On Duty the only UI that's getting updated or will a complete UI overhaul come later ?
  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Soon in all due time brother...
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  12. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    I hope you don't get rid of it entirely. I definitely wouldn't mind running it once a month or something.
  13. Gundraasi Well-Known Player

    Considering the SP system and feats:

    Sounds good. When I seen the redesigned Duty Menu in the thread above, the currently chaotic Feat Menu came to my mind and how it would profit from a redesign as well...as would the whole SP system.

  14. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    You look at it like you're helping low tier players while some are looking at it like you are hurting them. Giving them feats and easy runs teaches them nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not how to do their role, not how to do mechanics, not how to rely on teamwork at all. So while all of us 342s can smash thru whatever, they can not and will never learn a thing with us around as is right now in the game.

    Plenty of players have asked for this because they want to experience what we got to experience years ago. A challenge. Playing the game. What you're describing is barely a step above logging in to claim our soon to be free gifts.
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  15. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    And as far as stat clamping goes, I don't love it but look at any seasonal event. Stack it with 4 OPs and it's still a melt fest. Summer for instance, we would have ocean master dead before his 1st push away. 4 crappy toons, could see up to 4 rotations of that. So if they get it right, we will still be stronger than needed yet not just triangle tapping our way to victory while ignoring mechanics. Give it a chance cuz if it is done right, they just gave us 10yrs of content that is now useful vs 10yrs of content that we only play whatever came out in the last 4 month span
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  16. Learnmoretalkless New Player

  17. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Not to mention the problems that can arise when a boss is burnt much, much faster than it was ever designed to be.
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  18. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I honestly think this has a lot to do with it too. There are a few times I can remember that the game just freaked out and didn't seem to know what to do. As is now, in the weekly dme robin run, hawkman is able to be killed on 1st rotation. That's a bit extreme lol. Fun but again, teaches new players nothing so they're just standing in the middle watching his big slam if they've only ever been in massive burn runs
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  19. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    next you'll be like "Power Girl is one of the Ally choices"...

    (that one'll get you a Christmas card)
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  20. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    It's been restated several times that you will be able to buy Seals on the vendor for these new marks. What's your problem with that?
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