DCUO Continuity

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Netherith, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. Netherith Well-Known Player

    Some continuity questions I have come across that I need answered to continue working on the character wiki pages.

    - Did the Spectre's vengeance spree occur in the DCUO universe's Infinite Crisis or did that not occur and we experiencing a version of that ingame now?
    - At what point of Aquaman's history is the Aquaman we have in DCUO at? (meaning does he have the water-hand but not turned into the Dweller of the depths or is this the post-White Lantern version?)
    - Similar question for Professor Zoom (did Barry just not kill him in this universe or is this the post-White Lantern version?)
    - and same question for Barry Allen (did Barry not die during the first crisis or is this the post-White Lantern version?)
    - Is Captain Marvel the keeper of the rock of ages in this timeline or is the wizard Shazam alive and well?
  2. Omega Boy Committed Player

    Unless the game explicitly states something happened, there's no reason to assume it did. It's a completely different timeline with some similarities.

    That said, I doubt anything is happening post white lantern since we have yet to see a white lantern, and we're likely building to it with WotL

    Barry Allen returned from the dead in Final Crisis. No white lanterns involved.
  3. Jovan New Player

    Unless I'm mistaken, we exist in a world that we could almost call Earth-(Insert number not used). The events of the New 52 are being ignored, but our place in canon is skewed and weird. We also have Oracle and Batwoman coexisting. Times are strange.
  4. Eranthis New Player

    Hey ! Sorry to be off topic but I love wikis :p
  5. Omega Boy Committed Player

    Batwoman and Oracle existed together. They are unrelated. Barbara Gordon Batgirl became Oracle. Kate Kane is Batwoman, but otherwise I agree. There's no way to really place our world in the comics to figure out the details. It's a snapshot of what the DC Universe was like post-52, but pre-New 52 with changes made as necessary.
  6. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    DCUO is its own branch of continuity. It's roughly set at the time of the Sinestro Corps Wars, so late 2007 to early 2008 in the comics timeline. Infinite Crisis already happened, and Hal Jordan's dialog in the Spectre solo mission suggests this is a repeat of some earlier vengeance spree. I suspect he's talking more about the plot leading into "GL: Rebirth" though.

    In DCUO Blackest Night didn't happen yet, New 52 didn't happen. Saint Walker is there, but he first showed up in GL in December 2007, so that fits.

    For Barry Allen, it's not clear to me whether we're getting a) a universe where he never died during "Crisis On Infinite Earths", or b) we're seeing him just after his return in 2008 during "Final Crisis" and the associated "Flash: Rebirth". If it's (b), that would mean DCUO includes an early part of Final Crisis. The upcoming Halls of Power might move further along toward the Final Crisis plot. I think DCUO wanted to use the "classic" Barry Allen version of the Flash character, Flash: Rebirth put him back in the main DC Universe, and they ran with that concept without trying to match the main DCU timeline exactly. That classic version had Professor Zoom as a serious enemy, so he's in the game too. DCUO is definitely not set after Brightest Day, so there's no White Lantern events to consider.

    The Aquaman in the game is just like the 1985 pre-Crisis version too, except with a bit of the late 80's Ocean Master plot pulled in. You're trying to fit him into the post Infinite Crisis timeline. In DCUO, he sounds like he never went through the whole 1994 missing hand debacle at all. He's the upbeat, confident Aquaman from the 80's in the game, not the damaged wreck he's been for the last 20 years of comics.

    I can't think of anything in the game that clarifies either way who is guarding the Rock of Ages. It could even be a one or two handed Rick Allen. (That's a music joke for the older kids)
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  7. Eternity's_Girl Committed Player

    DCUO is placed/inspired in the original universe, before the mess that is The New 52. All stories and histories of the characters and groups come form that original (real) DC Universe

    Actually we have Barbara Gordon as Oracle, from the years when her back was broken and she took up a support role for the heroes of DC.

    Cassandra Cain as Batgirl, she was around from 2000-6 (roughly), in the game she is the T2 Batsuit vendor in the Tech wing.

    And we have Katherine "Kate" Kane as Batwoman.
  8. Netherith Well-Known Player

    Really wish an administrator would chime in here so that we can go on more than just conjecture. Especially in regards to the Aquaman thing since I would be removing a vast segment of Aquaman/Mera/Atlantis' history if that assumption about using the 1985 iteration is true. (which can't really be since the Trident of Poseidon was not given to him until after he lost his hand). He did return to his "happy" persona after gaining the "water hand", though. But then, I don't think he wore gloves with the water hand; not until after the White Lantern resurrection. Jeez this is "fun".
    Perhaps Jens can throw his lot in since he is a notorious Aquaman fan.
    ...and, you know, a head honcho of the game and the character's voice actor....

    Gotta say though, after going through his entire history. Orin is pretty hardcore.
  9. Tenacious Blue New Player

    It's a bit of a cherry picked continuity. Sort of like the DC animated universe's Justice League Unlimited. If need be it'll dip into and reference other continuities but it doesn't really have a super strict continuity of it's own (especially when it comes to implications/passing mentions of stuff like Hal as the Spectre). This sounds lazy, but it means they can use/reference fan favourite characters and plotlines without writing themselves into a corner. It gives them the freedom to cover just about any event in DC history that they want in future DLC packs.
  10. Multiverse Creator League

    Originally the Flash in the game was Wally West. But one of the changes that DC instisted on was to make the Flash Barry instead.

    So we have a weird blend of Barry and Wally in the game.

    For Professor Zoom...... my guess is that what we actually have in the game is Zoom.... the third Reverse Flash.

    At the time they started working on DCUO... Professor Zoom was dead and there was a new Reverse Flash simply called Zoom. Is name was Hunter Zolomon and he was the ennemy of Wally West at the time.

    But when they decided to use Barry instead of Wally..... then they changed Zoom/Hunter Zolomon for Eobard Thawne/Professor Zoom.

    Visauly the Reverse Flash we have in the game looks like Hunter Zolomon with the black eyes. But they name him as if it was Eobard Thawne. So we have a weird mixte of both again.

    As for Barry killing him..... Eobard Thawne was back in Flash Rebirth. So him being back in the game still works.
  11. Tre Day New Player

    I always treat every form of media that has anything to do with comic book characters and universes as separate entities. It does the brain good. :D
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  12. Dezaras Loyal Player

    The DCUO tie-in comics even named Wally West for the first Flash frame. Afterwards it was Barry Allen all the way.

    Like some others I like to keep it as its own continuity but previous events (Bane breaking Batman's back etc) are welcome touches.
  13. Netherith Well-Known Player

    Alright, how about this one.

    The random Anti-Nth Metal asteroids that crash to the streets in Metropolis and Gotham and force us into PvP mode upon interaction. Are these an actual thing in the comics (my internet and encyclopedic sources have nothing on it) or are they based on the Mithra Asteroids that turn people into Lion-Claw?