DCUO Character Name Tracker Tool

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Superskull85, Feb 14, 2016.

  1. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Just found this. Interested in the feat lookup feature and base item tracking feature.

    What specific knowledge/skill is required to do that?
  2. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    • Able to read and understand Daybreak's API documentation
    • Knowledge and ability to manipulate spreadsheets fairly well
    • Knowledge of the specific differences between a regular spreadsheet and Google Sheets (some functions change or are not available elsewhere)
    • Able to write and understand code specifically using JavaScript
    • Able to read and understand Google's documentation regarding App Script so that you can interact with Google Sheets
    Though that is just for my specific implementation of these trackers. If you just had the ability to code, understand JavaScript and able to lookup App Script functions you could adapt what I did to some other implementation.

    From there you'd have to browse the Census data to find what you want. For example to get the full base item list I had to find out how they are stored (which categories) and what a base item would be defined as in terms of the Census data (since some of them were not assigned a category. For feats you'd need to know how to join data together using the API. A lot of that API searching was done already but you may need to make some tweaks here and there.

    It's not a particularly hard thing to do but not something I'd expect any "normal" person to be able to do if that is what you're implying. Though these days a lot of youths get into this kind of stuff early so you never know.. ;)
  3. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Spreadsheet knowledge is ok, but JavaScript knowledge and code knowledge, no.

    Even having trouble on your DCUO Character Name Tracker sheet.

    In the instructions, there is
    Go to Tracker Updates -> Initialize to retrieve initial data. You will need to authorize the spreadsheet to access external data. The spreadsheet will only access the Census API and makes changes to itself.

    I do not see this Tracker Updates anywhere (Instructions / Options / Owned / League / Friends / Watchlist / Lurking)

  4. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    It should be a new menu that appeared. In the same row as File, Save, View, Insert, etc.
  5. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Ok, got it. Thanks!

    So, if I want to edit this Google sheet to include one for feats and one for base items, I do it via Tools - Script Editor, then add new script?

    As for what to script, how to find out the different values available to query eg feats, base items collected by character?
  6. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    First you can't track base items the same way you can track changes to characters or even if you have a feat or not. The reason for this is because, publicly, you won't be able to tell if someone has a certain base item or not. For base items you would simply be making sure the base item list is up-to-date automatically instead of manually.

    Second if you don't have have any experience writing code you may not want to try adding functionality on top of the sheet you want to use for active tracking. I would make a copy of that sheet that you have and make any tweaks in the new sheet.

    That said, yes, you would essentially be adding a new script/section of code that would interact with the spreadsheet tracking feats and updating base item lists. Since you mentioned you don't have a lot of coding experience I'll assume you just want to learn. If that is so feel free to PM me and I'll share the queries I use to lookup feats and base items. From there you'll be able to adapt what I did already to make your adjustments.

    I would not like to be a mentor on this subject at this time, however, so you'll need to be independent after I share the queries. There are lots of JavaScript tutorials out there and Google provides really good documentation for App Script.
  7. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    I‘ll muck up some stuff when I have the time to look through this, then pm you when I hit a brick wall. Thanks.
  8. Leet Active Player

    Awesome stuff, I've just today been looking to see if possible to design my own for tracking. However based on what you have provided this seems pretty in-depth and I may not be able to build what I want. What I am looking to do is build similar to that of dcuobloguide census but just want for 1 toon to track my feats.

    What I would like to see someone build:
    Compare similar feats between friends/leagues that have not been completed. If you're like me you don't typically care to repeat a feat-run already obtained, so for feats you don't have, it would be nice to start a group w/ friends that also require the same feat.
  9. Polexian New Player

    Leet, there is a group feat tracker @ www.dcuotracker.com You add in your friends under the Grouped On Duty Feats Listings By, and then start running.
  10. Leet Active Player

    thanks for link. Site looks impressive.
  11. Dredd New Player

    Thanks for the spreedsheet! awesome job!