Dcuo Back To Its Former Glory Will Make A Comeback!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MystoganJella, Jul 24, 2024.

  1. Heavens Sword Dedicated Player

    I think alot of work needs to be done to bring back the glory, pretty sure the population is at an all time low even with crossplay, it can be really hard to group depending what time or what day your playing. I noticed that these forums are a ghost town since when i used to post.
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  2. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Proud to have been doing my part since Birds of Prey! Now I don't even get membership (since they dropped the annual discounts a few years back, never looked back since). Heck, one might be able to say I do more of a service by not even playing the game whatsoever at all (since last September) but we won't count that or go there haha.
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  3. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    It is said that EG7 said the game is on life support because of player volatility. Albeit, this game is their biggest cash cow that supports all their other investments into their personal IPs. DCUO generates roughly $25million a year. With that kind of money I think a whole lot more can be done with the game, even on UE3, the game for nostalgia factor alone, being the only DC MMO of it's kind, should be thriving both with player population and content. Fact is, many players have voiced concerns regarding PvP, progression systems, new powers, etc. but many things concerning the players (the fuel and catalyst for the game) are overlooked, thus, players lose hope, become disheartened, and as some have said, stop spending and/or playing altogether.
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  4. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

  5. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    I must make a correction, Daybreak generated $25 million in 2023 not DCUO itself. Roughly 38% of that is from DCUO but up to 30% of that total of sales is paid out/split amongst the IP owner and the platforms such as PS and Steam, from my understanding and research.
  6. Heavens Sword Dedicated Player

    Was working on the sub avatar bounty and was playing around with disguises and transformation trinkets like snowman and kryptonite chunk, i had some fun, brought out my partially assimilated servo even celebrated with a fireworks trinket. I think the game needs new fun stuff.
  7. Saami Loyal Player

    I have seen people asking p2w features for single player games. Just because they don't have time to get everything they want.
    That's how bad the situation is atm.
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well, you still got a discount (on PS/PC at least) if you bought a year. $10 a month is better than $15. But yeah, if you are referring to the sale they USED to have around BF or Xmas where it was $100 or I think one time it was like $85? Yeah...those were good sales and 100% worth spending money on.

    But no, I dropped sub when they went to the new rewards system (membership=discount club now). I see no reason to sub outside 1 month to get the anniversary gift maybe, and now that stabilizers are removed from the daily grant...maybe not even then.

    I don't see ever quitting (as the game literally costs me nothing at this point). But I've been taking more and more time 'off' the last year or so, and whereas I used to have to play catch up if I did that...I don't feel the need to do so anymore.

    Baby steps I guess.;)
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  9. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Yeah every year we had a sale 30% off so bout $84 for the year, then randomly it stopped altogether. Had everything at that point so didn't miss membership at all.

    I ripped the band-aid off when I clearly saw the direction of the game (way easier to notice in advance on low populated servers) and no one would listen/believe me. The devs barely ever listening or leaving feedback where it could be seen as most needed (in which turned into complete radio silence).

    That along with the same patterns of the game yet getting only worse each episode (the grind more and more the feeling like a job than enjoyment each release), and being treated like absolute dirt by the elite community (because they don't want to admit they are burned out too as observed by them not wanting to "waste time" to have any type of fun in instances. They need to be completed ASAP or not at all, this included but is not limited to being excluded for not artifact swapping as buff troll).
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    If you recall, before they removed the discount, they tried going the OTHER way and raised the price under the premise you'd get the super great Diamond material. Not sure how those sold (ashamed to say I subbed on that one), but they didn't try that again. I don't recall if they had 1 more sale the next year, or just dropped the subject completely at that point. I thought we had one right before the Rona kicked off, around the Anniversary event....but I could be recalling wrong at this point. I'm all but positive we haven't had one since then though.

    Personally I was fine with the $10 a month deal, seeing as that's what I started at 10+ years ago when I subbed for $30 a quarter on a special pricing sale way back then. Sale was better....but I was ok at $10 too. Well...until they made $0 better...unless you REALLY need 10+ artifacts for 'swapping' and ALL the allies. I personally don't.....so I don't sub.
  11. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Yeah, and notice they held it a whole 13 months later and with no mention heh. Was my example on how they were being sneaky hoping most players would pay full price for another year before doing it
  12. Ghostknight Well-Known Player

    Well, I don't see a lot of people stopping their spending on this game. I can't believe how many wolfpack artifacts I see on ppls now. They must have been forking out some serious cash. Plus, ppls that have only been on less than a month are already at end game with pretty good gear.

    Do I see DI/EG7 making any big changes in gameplay for DCUO....probably not. As long as DCUO keeps bringing in a good amount revenue for DI/EG7, DCUO will be around. Me, I will play the game with my subscription and will make little to no other purchases.

    Peace and DCUO Forever
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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Whales gonna whale. For every person I see with wolfpacks, I hear someone else say they dropped sub or won't spend Nth till they know the 2x question is yes or no.

    But hey....whales will keep the game going forever...right? Right?
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  14. Dene Devoted Player


    "This Bank belonged to Jim.. Jim played every day for 7 years (except for a 3 day break to be with his hamster during open heart surgery).. he played multiple toons but this was his storage toon ('Jimisanaddictedhoarder') - I cannot even begin to imagine what he is in that bank... lets start the bidding at 200 DBC"
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  15. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    Yes ! Make dcuo and Hard Light great again ! how it was before game upodate 36.
  16. John Aaron New Player

    Wow, this post is incredibly informative!