Dcuo Back To Its Former Glory Will Make A Comeback!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MystoganJella, Jul 24, 2024.

  1. MystoganJella Well-Known Player

    I Know Good Amount Of Players Have Left Overtime Due To They Own Reasons To Each Is Own But When The Game Finally Has A Stable Staff And Actually Be Able To Get The Ball Rolling On Things Perhaps We Can See A Shift To New Beginnings Whenever That May Be Dcuo Is Genuinely An Awesome Game And We Must Be Hopeful That In Time It Will Flourish And Prosper Once Again Stand With Me My Friends And BELIEVE HURRAHHH !!! :)
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  2. BƖack Dedicated Player

    About that.

    Eg7 has said on their presentantion that this game gonna be kept on life support until 2030 and that's it... after that or even before, it is highly possibile this game gonna shut down. It means it will get very minimum in its last months/years but at the same time it will be milked as much as possibile till the end.

    EUPC/PS server is almost a ghost town. Xbox and Nintendo are long dead. The only server that has yet decent population is USPC/PS and only that server.
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  3. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    lol idk what planet are u from but on this year its completly not true

    the game is on life support with tiny team manging it on their free time,

    like it took days to finish basic stuff cuz no one arounds bro. i suggest u investing in other games
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  4. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player

    They'd have to get rid of something first.... or make it optional.

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  5. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player

  6. tehDarkNite Well-Known Player

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  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    How about the player change their spending habits first? I mean since the players spent their way into this rut anyway...
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  8. Loremaker New Player

    First time agreeing with you. Until folks stop spending tons of $$ on shiny things...QoL changes will always take the backseat.
    Show them what matters with your wallet. Either they make changes that people want or shut down servers. Either way current state of game is nothing to be happy about.
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  9. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player

    I know I have,,,

    And I hope others have stopped spending money on this game as well.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Preaching to the choir baby. Been doing this for about 3 years.
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  11. Heavens Sword Dedicated Player

    Im a long time player 1st yr, and i think elite somewhat ruined the game, especially plus. Its a nifty idea but i think it should be more of an event like survival mode.

    Regardless i think time and resources should be put into new content or even rahashed content like raids becoming alerts, I dont think they ever did drop that sub batcave alert. Even operations which were a mix of old and new content, that didnt last long. Maybe something new like bounties found in raids and alerts, whether in another room or activated upon beating a boss.

    I still love this game but dont think they got the ball rolling, PVP has disappeared from the game and needs attention, Legends play was an amazing part of the game which no longer exists.

    Unfortunately i hear the final yr of the game will be 2030, maybe sooner. They really need to stop nerfing things and start buffing while theres still time, give the players what they want. I heard we were getting massive content but i havnt seen it. last yr had 2 DLCs rather than 3 and once upon a time was supposed to be 4 DLCs a yr. If the so called massive content are elite and elite plus im very dissapointed.

    All in all we need more DLCs, more content driven game updates, attention to PVP, maybe new open worlds.
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  12. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Bless your heart.
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  13. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Do you play this game? I'm not sure what "sub batcave" is supposed to be, but if you mean "Outer Caverns" and/or "Inner Sanctum" (which are the 2 T1 raids taking place in the Bat-cave) - they have both been made into alerts many, many years ago. I don't know how you could have possibly missed that.
  14. Heavens Sword Dedicated Player

    Because its outer inner and sub, there are three batcaves, and the final one never made it as an alert.
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  15. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Fair enough. I never heard anyone call Brainiac's Sub Construct "sub batcave", but that makes sense.
  16. Grip Committed Player

    DCUO can flourish again, and I think some things that could help are...
    1.A refreshed pass at Legends- a largely skill and practice-based equal footing/opportunity space for all players. Won't mention specifics bc the forum threads already exist.
    2. Establish in-game staff presence- whatever's possible or practical, just something. Again, threads exist.
    3.Normalize survival mode seasons- have 1 or 2 events every year. Even semi-retired players show up for it.
    4.Teases:D - If the staff dropped an occasional insider peek or showed some juicy tidbits here and there via social, the engagement level would rise.
    5.Bank Reclaim- lol, I do not recommend this one, but it came up in conversation. Even the guy who brought it up doesn't want any absentee to lose their stuff. The idea is to see who will show back up prior to the forfeit date and possibly resume playing again if they like what they see.
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  17. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Lol... What? Probably best to avoid having conversations with idiots...
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  18. Sollace Committed Player

    Is there still the window shopping attempt? x)

    The game could have been very good if first of all this one would not have been a money earning goal before wanting to offer a real gaming experience, thing that was avoided and succeeded by Finfal Fnatasy, Guild Wars and yes I’m afraid I can also evoke WOW too, of course, they too have a trading system around the game, but it does not prevent to be able to finalize the full up of his personal, or in any case the shop does not become a sad fatality for the player, the problem on DCUO, It’s that it’s money first and that, the aggressive trading system around artifacts and seeing allies proves that sadly very well. If Daybreak gets to this point today, it’s entirely their fault and their disgusting aggressive business strategy!
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  19. SteelMachineZero Well-Known Player

    lol no ....no... no
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  20. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    DCUO Storage Wars???? Lol
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