Really hoping to see one of my favorite Legion Members, Mon-El...oh, and I want the Legion belt with the Legion logo!
When is style unlocking phase 4 hitting? Tomorrow or friday? I'm excited but wondering what styles are included
I noticed it says Regular and Elite versions of content. Does that mean we could finally get Elite Alerts again?
Nice but Please make the elite raids difficult this time (1shot mechanics if not paying attention,heavy hitting bosses to pressure the Tank) so that it doesnt get boring. And please put 4-6 bosses into the elite raid to make it more fun and challenging.
I agree The New episode is as always great along with New artifacts, styles,feats,Tcs and a new story and definitely appreciate the work the devs put into it . But it is a missed opportunity for a new iconic power as I know there position on new powers etc. Going forward unfortunately this is the structure of DLCs .
Might as well get this out of the way... what will we name the endless spam/counter this time? "LEGION Spam" is shorter, but "31st Century Spam" has a nice ring to it.
How many bounty bosses will we have? Less then the current one? Will the elite raids be specificly made very difficult with more then 2-3 bosses like its supposed to be so they last until the next dlc? Will it be 1 or 2 raids?
I hope that it will have at least 1 solo/duo 1 alert 2 raids, I'm not a fan of World Bosses instead of raids, WB feels like a filler to lower the usual content that a new dlc offers.
I'm not complaining about it. I love the Legion and have wanted this for years. But I was one of the people that asked for an LOS episode so much that I was eventually told it would never happen and to stop spamming it. Of course that didn't keep me from asking for LOS slimline styles and emblems. lol But people do not believe me and I get crap when I question what changed the minds of Devs. However, I will never try to seek the posts from whichever Dev it was that said we would never have it. Proving I'm right does not matter. What matters is that we are getting this. So basically, thank you. I am excited about this.
For the possibly the first time in at least a couple decades I audibly squealed with delight. Please don't let this sit at one episode there is just so much content to mine here.