I'll always think of that 1976 logo whenever I think DC. Brings back fond memories and awesome stories.
Nice, I can just keep using this pic every couple of years until they revert back to the 76' version.
I just... what? (I legitimately couldn't formulate a coherent thought about that change at first.) I guess creativity and iconism is all about drawing a circle and writing your name inside of it these days? I mean why not just write your name and underline while we're at it? We could submit a quiz, add our "logo" and become a student in elementary school again. Personally I think a logo should show a little bit more detail, character, anything since, you know, it will likely be the first thing a newcomer sees regarding your company on your products and services. I guess DCUO could find a way to integrate the DC logo with DCUO's name now..
Just thought of something: how is this new 'logo' going to work with their TV shows? The 2012 one fitted in nicely because they showed something iconic about the shows main character in the 'C' part
Haven't picked up a comic, in I don't know how long. But this new logo looks pretty plain. I like the ones with more detail and stars. Just me though. Have to go with 2005 as well for my pick.
Design-wise, the 2005 was IMO the most superior one, but I grew uo with 1976 logo. The 2012 logo was the worst so I'm glad it's gone. However, DC seems bend on doing anything that a brand usually tries to avoid.
I'm partial to the 1949 logo as that's what is on most of the books I collected when I was actively doing so.