Daybreak Maintenance All worlds will be taken offline at 6AM PT on February 15, 2023, for a company-wide Daybreak maintenance. Downtime may last up to 6 hours. During this downtime, no changes will be made to the game. Daybreak websites and forums may also be unavailable. Gift As a thank you for your patience during this downtime, all players will be able to claim the following gift when the downtime is complete. 100 Replay Badges 25 Source Marks 1 Reinforced Nth Metal Players must log in and claim the gift by February 21, 2023. This gift can be claimed once per account.
I think we all deserve AT LEAST 1000 replays, 300 source marks, and a free artifact skip token. What are we supposed to do for 6 hours? It's cold outside and we can't share netflix accounts any more. The inconvenience is too much to handle.
call to that "a gift" is a bit should save it and spend some money in servers of 2023....
Thank you very much for the gift; much appreciated! Suggestion: When you make important posts like this one on TWITter, post it on the forums at or near the same time as well; not everyone uses that social media platform. For people that do not appreciate the gift, I'll take your share; willingly.
to all the gift haters its only a six hour down time I'm surprised there giving us anything Thanks Devs its appreciated
Heyy umm all my characters got deleted all of a sudden once I came back to the game after months yesterday I have been trying to get them back ever since, I contacted support and I haven't gotten a response as of yet, but I deleted the game off steam and now I am using daybreak Launcher to see if there is any difference. I admit I have deleted characters just to make a new ones but there is only one character I never delete and its my Blackhood817 I think it was called I forget the combination of numbers sometimes but It would be either 718 or 817 and I don't even have those characters nor can I even restore them I have to literally start from scratch I know its a bit easier to level up but I put so much work into that character and that costume I have on him was perfect and I am very picky with little details. I am just confused on what happend.